bonus chapter (3)

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this is going to be the last bonus chapter :)

— Nabi's birthday,
3 weeks before the wedding.

"Nabi!" Felix screams from kitchen, "Hurry up, we're going to be late!" He waits a few seconds, but still gets no reply. He smiles knowingly, "Okay, we're leaving without you then— Fine!"

He turns around to grab his keys, to jingle them. He does this when she's taking forever— and it always works. However, he pauses. He looks back to the living room... Where is his fiancé?

The said little girl comes dashing into the kitchen at his words. Behind her, is her daddy. "Don't leave without us!" She says through giggles.

Hyunjin walks behind her with a smile, like he is proud of something. Felix raises a brow at him. He motions to Nabi's hair. Felix's eyes go to her, and it's only then he notices her... hairstyle. It's horrendous.

He thinks it's an attempt at pigtails, but he can't tell from all the hair that's falling out. Nabi has long, slick black hair— and right now you can't even tell it's healthy.

"What—" He pauses, and puts on a smile. "Wow, you're hair looks amazing!" He says, a fake happy tone.

Nabi doesn't know it's fake, however. She smiles wide at Felix, a hand going up to touch her hair. She nods, "I know. Daddy did a good job. I love it!" She bounces up and down, causing Hyunjin to smile.

Felix raises his gaze to Hyunjin. He can't help but smile as well. Not at the sad attempt of doing his daughters hair, but for the way he tried— and the way Nabi loves it.

"Okay." He says, looking back to his little girl. He kneels down to her level. "How about you go get your shoes on? Whatever ones you like. You can time then now, right?" Hyunjin says eagerly.

She nods her head rapidly, and runs off to go find her favorite pair of flashy shoes. Hyunjin smiles as he watches her do so, but when he stands back up he drops it to give Felix a knowing look.

"You hate it, don't you?" He crosses his arms, raising a brow.

Felix can't help but smile. "It's a little.. new." He says, stepping foreword. "It was a good attempt though. You did good for your first time."

Hyunjin starts to smile. "I guess so. I was just so shocked when she asked me to do it and not you. I felt like... like I was the best dad in the world." He says.

Felix giggles. "You are." He takes Hyunjin's hand. "Now let's be a better dad and go help her tie her shoes— because you know what happened last time." Felix says, his eyes widening.

Hyunjin chuckles. "She tried her best."

Felix nods. "And so did you." He says, giving Hyunjin a peck. "So did you."

Nabi hops out of the car eagerly. Ever since Hyunjin has mentioned this to her, she has been dying to go. He thought she would be a bit hesitant, but he forgets she's only a girl. She likes these things.

Dress shopping.

For her fathers wedding.

Of course, she is going to be the flower girl. Felix asked her if she wanted too a bit ago, and she was so eager. He doesn't know if it's because of the flowers, or because she's happy their getting married. She's young, so she might not even understand the wedding.

The man next door || HyunlixOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant