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— Chapter 31 —

"Okay, okay. Now tell me when to stop," Hyunjin says, lifting up the carton of milk and starting to pour the liquid into the glass. He waits for Nabi to say stop, since she is very picky.

"Stop!" She yells.

He stops pouring the milk, and puts it back down. "Okay, all done." He smiles, screwing the lid back on. He reaches his arms out and picks her up off the counter, setting her back down onto the floor. He hands her the glass of milk. "Now go eat your food before it gets cold." He says.

She frowns. "But Felix isn't here yet." She says. "I can't eat without Felix, dad."

Hyunjin tries to ignore the pain in his chest as he got called a plain 'dad'. "That's very nice of you to wait, but your food is going to be frozen by the time Felix gets down here." He says, exaggerating a bit to scare her.

She gives him a weird look. "No.."

"Hyunjin!" A sudden voice echoes through the home.

Hyunjin jumps a bit, turning around to the voice. Nabi flinches as well, and immediately hides behind Hyunjin. Jisung comes walking into the room, holding a bunch of bags. He walks only a few more feet before  giving up and dropping everything in the middle of the room. 

He turns to look a Hyunjin. "Sorry for yelling." He says with an apologetic smile. "I just had to warn you before I came in. Also, where is Felix?"

Hyunjin has his eyebrows furrowed. "I'm sorry— who exactly... are you?" He asks as nicely as he can, even though he has no clue who this man is. "And how did you get in here?" He asks again, looking at the keys on the counter.

Jisung gasps. "You don't know me? Like at all?"

Hyunjin slowly shakes his head no.

"What?—" Jisung whips around, looking at Minho who just entered the room. "Minho. Can you believe this guy doesn't know me? I literally was here last night."

"Oh I know you." Hyunjin says, but to Minho.

Minho waves, and Jisung looks at him like he's insane. "How do you know him but not me?! You literally sat in the back of my truck! I was here last night! I gave you the keys to this place!"

"Why are you yelling?" Chan comes into the room suddenly.

"I'm not—"

"You're scaring my daughter." Hyunjin suddenly says. He leans down to pick the little girl up, as everyone else in the room watches him. She hides in his sweater, very scared of the three men she hasn't seen more than once in her entire life.

"Oh shit." Minho says, hitting Jisung. "Lower your voice."

"I'm sorry," Jisung whisper yells. "I forgot there was a kid here!"

"She's so cute." Minho whispers back.

The two go on to have a little whispering conversation for a few seconds, talking about the little girl and how much she looks like her dad. And everyone else does something else, or looks at somebody else.

Felix comes walking into the kitchen with his laundry in his arms, finally wearing something other than the date outfit. However, it isn't even his own clothes he  has on. He has on a pair of Hyunjin's sweat pants, and his crew neck as well— considering he doesn't have any of his own clothes. Hyunjin smiled at the sight.

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