I don't have time for this

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— Chapter 28 —

A loud knock is heard on the front door. Hyunjin immediately freezes, his blood running cold. He has been filled with fear for the past half hour, expecting this very thing to happen. However, he hasn't actually been preparing himself for this, so that might be an issue.

He starts to slowly take steps to the front door, picking up the baseball bat next to the bench. The bat has a colorful fuzzy sock on it, only because it makes the metal harder to grab— if it were ever to get to that point.

He unlocks the deadbolt, and hides the bat behind his back as he slowly opens the door.

His face immediately falls, and he starts to sigh in relief— but also disappointment. He drops the bat from his hidden hand, which causes Chan to jump for the obnoxiously loud noise.

"What that necessary?" He snaps.

Hyunjin raises a brow of amusement. "Isn't this funny? You show up at my home," He pauses, checking his watch. "— at eleven o'clock at night, After the night I've had, and ask me if my actions are necessary. Are you kidding me?"

Chan's eyes narrow. "I admit I maybe am not being the best civilian, but I have no interest in starting anything with you right now." He says harshly. "Where is your daughter?"

"Excuse me?" Hyunjin chuckles in disbelief.

Chan takes in a deep breath, trying his best to stay calm. It's really hard, when he has a growing hatred for this man— who he didn't even know up until an hour ago. "You heard me, I need to know." He says.

"I'll be dammed if I tell you." Hyunjin crosses his arms, tilting his head at the man with a lot of nerve staring back at him.

"Great." Chan smiles, giving in and just leaving it to rest. "You have an hour to pack, you're coming with me." He says, "So wherever she is, you better hope it's not far."

"I'm sorry," Hyunjin says. "But what is this? Is this some game?"

"Not a game, just Felix's request." Chan says, turning around and beginning to walk away. "I will be here in exactly an hour, so if I were to give you advice, I'd say don't even think about leaving."

Hyunjin's body relaxes at the mention of Felix, causing his brain to calm down. However, the fact the man has the balls to even talk about giving him advice? He's hilarious. Hyunjin closes his front door and immediately runs up the stairs to find his phone, and when he does, he shoots Felix a text.

Hyunjin: Where are you?

"I'm pulling up now, open the front gate." Hyunjin says into the phone, getting an immediate yes back from the butler. He knows better when it comes to his bosses brother.

Hyunjin reaches the front gate, which is in the process of opening, but is already opened just enough for him to slip his car in. He drives up the very long, round driveway— parking his car at the front door and immediately hopping out. The car is still running with how much of a rush he is in.

He walks the back up to the doors, which automatically are opened for him by more people. He gives them a little nod before continuing inside the home.

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