Mister neighbor

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— Chapter seven —

Felix hums to himself as he drives himself home. The traffic is pretty bad, so he is stuck at a red light right now. Living in a big city is so frustrating sometimes.

But Felix doesn't regret living here one bit. He was born and raised in a town very far away, he only came to where he is now for college. He ended up falling in love with the place as well as the people, and the rest is in Felix's story.

It was really hard to pack up and leave everything behind, however. It was probably the second hardest thing he has done in his entire life. The first being attending his mothers funeral, unfortunately. Even though it was a really long time ago, he still has yet to have an experience to put it in the book of bad days.

His mother was the victim of a drunk driver, which seems to be the case most of the time. It was the hardest part of his life not only because he lost the woman who birthed him, but because he didn't get to know the women who birthed him. He never got to know her fully because he was so young when it happened, and he didn't know it was the only time he would get to have a mother.

Felix knows that she would have been an amazing woman, however. Even though he was so young, he knew she was the best. She was a beautiful lady, and she had an even more beautiful heart. No matter how amazing she was though, Felix can only focus on the fact it feels wrong to call her his "mom" instead of his mother.

A honking horn drags Felix out of his thoughts, and he comes back to reality. He immediately starts to drive, considering the light is green now and he is most definitely holding back a mother from picking up her kid from school. He giggles to himself at his silliness. How could he zone out at a red light?

He shakes his head and turns his car into his neighborhood, slowing down for the speed bump. He slowly drives through the streets and watches all the kids that just got out of school running home. He didn't realize it was so early, that he left work so early in the day. Usually he's there till five.

He turns down his street, slowly making his way to his humble home. He turns into the driveway and parks, then gathers his things after turning the car off. Carefully opening the door to not smash into the gate, he finally gets out of his car.

He loves his car so much, but sometimes she's so uncomfortable. He is a little too young for his older car, but he refuses to get a new one— even if she is falling apart from old age. Why would he get a new one when his baby works perfectly.. on good days.

He chuckles to himself and walks to his front door. He didn't leave it unlocked this time, and he can't tell if he is proud of himself for that or annoyed because he had to find his keys. However when he enters his home he locks the door again immediately, just in case.

Jisung always makes fun of him for that, but he finds it absolutely necessary. His dad always used to lock the door no matter what, so he picked up on that habit. He frowns as he enters his kitchen, because the realization of how much he actually missed his dad hits him. His dad is like his favorite person alive.

He pulls out the leftover cookies from yesterday, absolutely in love with how good they look. They have been in the microwave all day and night, so they aren't stuffy and cold or anything.

He is absolutely dogging down the cookies when the doorbell suddenly rings, and he freezes on the spot. Being a detective has made him a little paranoid about people being in or at his home, so he always gets a little anxious when the doorbell rings.

He finishes chomping his cookie and washing off his hands, wiping his face too. He dries his hands quickly with the dish towel before running to the door. He takes a deep breath before he puts his hand on the nob.

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