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— Chapter nineteen —

"I'm am so sorry, this is probably so unsettling for you." Hyunjin speaks in an apologetic tone. "She has just been so interested in you... I can't quite pinpoint the reason why."

Felix smiles, chuckling under his breath. He waves a dismissive hand. "It isn't unsettling at all. She isn't a bother to me at the slightest. To be honest, I find it adorable how eager she is to spend time with me. I don't even know her, and vise versa."

They are currently in Felix's home, while he grabs a few things before heading over. He changed his clothes, and grabbed a few missing ingredients they will need. While all this is being said and done, Nabi is keeping herself entertained by watching Felix's fish tank. She loves the ocean, so anything of that sort is fascinating to her.

"I know but we aren't even—"

Hyunjin keeps going on, trying to apologize for everything. He is worried Felix might find everything so obsessive and awkward. He doesn't want it to seem like Hyunjin is pushing his way into Felix'a life, when he might not be ready yet.

"Hyunjin, stop."

He looks up at Hyunjin, stopping his search for flour in his pantry. He is crouched down to the lowest shelf, as he looks up at Hyunjin, who is leaning against the doorframe watching him.

"It really is okay, I promise." Felix chuckles.

Hyunjin gives up, just smiling. "Okay. If you say so."

Felix smiles.

He looks back to the shelf, and finally finds the flour after moving the packs of ramen that stand in front of it. He makes a quick mental note to reorganize his pantry when he gets back home later today. Everyone seems to remind him how messy it is.

He stands back up to his feet, showing off the flour to Hyunjin with a little smile. He smiles back at Felix, sliding out of his way so he can exit the crammed pantry.

"After you." Hyunjin says.

Felix rolls his eyes, scoffing. Hyunjin can't help but giggle at the reaction, following behind the younger as he walks back to the island.

"Alright." He says, clapping his hands together. He turns to look around the room, "Where's Nabi?"

At the mention of her name, she comes running out of the living room with a smile. "I'm right here!"

The sight of the little girl running in her pajamas sends a warm felling through the both of them. Felix smiles like a dork as he sees her come closer, and Hyunjin can't hide the feeling of safety. It might be weird to admit, but the sight of her running to Felix and him makes him long for something like this everyday.

"There you are." Felix says. "Okay so, we have flour and vanilla... is there anything else we might need from my place?" He asks, mostly to Hyunjin over Nabi. He turns his head to Hyunjin for an answer.

He shakes his head no. "I have everything else on the counter already." He says.

"Okay then." Felix smiles, turning back to Nabi. He takes the little bottle of vanilla off the counter, and leans down to Nabi's level. "Would you like to carry the vanilla for me?" He asks, since he doesn't want to leave her out.

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