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— Chapter five —

Felix slowly closes the front door, almost sneaking inside the house. He turns around, startled by the man frowning in front of him.

"Gah!" He yells out, flinching.

"Where have you been!?" Jisung asks really loudly. "It's been almost an hour, there is no way it took that long!"

Felix scoffs and pushes past Jisung, heading into the kitchen. "I guess we hit it off." He smirks.

"Oh?" He asks. "You have got to tell me everything."

Felix giggles, snapping around to face Jisung— who just took a seat on the barstool across the counter. He has a huge smile on his face, and a hint of blush across his cheeks.

"He is so handsome." He says dreamily. "Like... way more handsome than I thought."

Jisung gives a knowing smile, but Felix doesn't notice and goes on. "And his house was so nice! He said that they just moved in, but it was already really nice. He must be into decorating or something cause damn."

"Did you ask what he does for work?" He tilts his head.

Felix shakes his. "Unfortunately, we didn't get that far. The most I know is his and his daughters name.."

"Then what took an hour?!" Jisung yells.

"I don't know!" Felix defends. "It didn't feel like an hour?" He checks his watch.

"Of course because you were in between all this action." Jisung scoffs. "I was dying over here. I was this close to going over and dropping in." He makes a little pinch with his fingers.

Felix chuckles at Jisung, and Jisung smiles. "So what was he like? And his daughter.."

"His daughter wasn't there. She was at school, which is why we were cut short. He had to go get her." Felix says.

"No mother in the picture..?" Jisung asks.

"I'm not sure." Felix tilts his head. "Like.. I kinda beat around the bush, yet he immediately shut it down in a way. And there was no trace of any mother figure."

He turns around and grabs two glasses, and another bottle of wine. It's the only way he is going to get through this explanation. He pours the liquid into both glasses, sliding one over to Jisung.

"And he was also kinda..." He trails off.

"Kinda..?" Jisung asks.

"He was a flirt." Felix says, a hint of red on his cheeks. "He gave a lot of looks, and a lot of smirking.."

"Maybe he was just into you?" Jisung asks with a sly smile, taking a sip.

"Maybe the attraction is mutual..." Felix develops a small sly smile himself.

Jisung chuckles. "Maybe.. but don't go around getting involved with a married man— especially if he has children. If there are no women involved then go at it, but if there is, know your boundaries."

Felix smiles. "Of course. I'm not a home wrecker."

Jisung smiles too. "The one who was home wrecked will never be a homewrecker, am I right?" He raises his glass up to Felix.

Felix chuckles, clinking their glasses together. "You're fully correct."

Jisung smiles at the man across from him, loving the progress he is making. This man has been through a lot and has needed a lot of healing. The fact that he seems like he is almost fully healed is amazing, it really shows how strong he is. He admires Felix so much.

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