"Relationship?" I chuckled dryly "I feel safe being with you, but doesn't mean I want to get into a relationship with you"

Pain was clear in his eyes and I know that I am being a bitch right now, but I can't give him the love he wants from me. I'm not willing to open up my heart to him or anyone right now.

"Don't you have a ounce of feelings for me? are you ever going to forgive me for what I did to you in the past? will you ever open your heart to me?I promise not to hurt you again"

I sniffed "I can't, please don't ask this from me again. I won't be able to give you what you want from me, please understand"

He backs away from me "I understand"

The pain in his voice was clear and I know that I am hurting him. I touch his face softly and I could see the tears in his eyes, but he slowly stood up leaving my hand hanging.


He shakes his head "I won't bother you anymore, from now on let's be parents to drystan and Yulia. If it concerns the kids I will come to you, rest assured Crystal"


"In two hours we are going to meet Nathan Crest and Kiran in a restaurant. I will have someone bring a dress for you, if they is nothing else I shall take my leave" he doesn't wait for my response and leaves the room.

Fuck!! Why did you have to hurt him Crystal?Will he seriously keep to his words and won't fight for me anymore? Is this the end of us? They was never a us to begin with.

Do I feel nervous about seeing my so called family? I certainly don't, all I feel is hatred towards them. I know I am not worth much to them but I am still a person and not an object to be sold easily, I am aloud to get hurt and make everyone pay that hurt me so much in the past and now. Should I punish Ivan? He has done so much for me, the grudge in my heart towards him is forgiven but I still can't find my way to him anymore, it's the best decision for the both of us.

Who are you trying to kid Crystal?

I chuckled dryly at my own thoughts Knowing I won't be able to resist him for long.


Ivan and I step into the restaurant, I am dressed in a burgundy body con dress and he wore his usual black suit. I suck in a deep breath as we neared the table and I could see the back of Nathan Crest.

"Crystal!" Mom cried immediately she saw me and stood up wrapping her arms around me but I remained stiff in her hold.

She pulls back slowly "Are you okay?"

"Does it matter to you?" I ask coldly.

"Of course it matters to me, you are my daughter after all"

I snort a laugh "Daughter? don't make me laugh Erica"

"Enough Eliza, speak to your mom with respect"

I glare hard at him "Respect? you both don't deserve my respect!"

Ivan clears his throat "Let's sit, shall we?"

We all sit, Ivan sits beside me and my so called parents across from us.

"Kiran was supposed to be here and not you Erica, what are you doing here?"

"I came in place of him,I really wanted to see you. I have to explain myself to you, I had no idea what your father and brother were planning, you have to believe my words Crystal"

I roll my eyes "Believe your words?I may be stupid but not that stupid"

"I know you are mad at us and you have every right to be, but your mom is completely innocent in this. Two days before you came home,a video was sent to me about your mom and Kiran also got a similar video. Egor's men were abusing his son and a sniper was pointed at your mom,if I haven't agreed to what he wanted, your mother and nephew would have been dead by now. Blame me all you want, but please leave your mother out of this, she means no harm" father spoke with no hesitation.

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