Chapter 7: Evil Emerges

Start from the beginning

Walking just behind the two Mallow comments "those two sure are excited." Lillie smiles and says "I can't lie so am I, I've never met a kahuna before." Kiawe looks ahead and shouts "so Ash what's the strategy this time." Ash looks back at the group and shakes his head. He says "none, I've never met Hala or seen his Pokémon so I'll just make it up on the fly typical Ash Ketchum style."

The group laugh at Ash's statement and continue to bond as they make their way through the mountain range laughing and joking. There laughter however is soon interrupted by a loud explosion up ahead of them. Lillie panics and says "what was that" Ash looks serious and says "no idea but make sure you guys stay close." The three nod and follow Ash as they make their way towards the source of the explosion.

The group quickly make their way towards the source of the explosion and see a young trainer with black hair a black shirt and orange Alolan shorts. The trainer is currently occupied with trying to catch a Pokemon that the group haven't seen before. Ash scans it with his Pokédex revealing it to be an Oricorio. The trainer seems to chasing it with an Eevee by his side.

The trainer shouts "come back Oricorio." The Oricorio turns around and uses a gust attack to blow the trainer and his Eevee back. The two scream and fall backwards while the Oricorio snickers before flying off.

Ash rushes over to the fallen trainer and extends his hand towards him. Ash says "you okay."
The boy takes his hand as Ash helps him up. He smiles goofily and says "yeah i really thought I had it that time." Ash shrugs an says "it can just get away from you sometimes." The boy scratches the back off his head and says "you sure can say that again."

Ash smiles and says "we'll let us introduce ourselves I'm Ash and this is my buddy Pikachu." Pikachu nods and greets "Pika pi." Ash adds "and those are my friends Kiawe, Mallow and Lillie."The boy smiles and says "it's nice to meet you all I'm Hau."

Ash smiles and says "so your a trainer huh." Hau nods and says "yeah I'm currently taking on the island challenge but I've been stuck in Haouli city for weeks now no matter what I can't seem to beat my grandfather." Kiawe joins the conversation and says "wait our Kahuna Hala's grandson." Hau smirks and says "that's right and one day I'm going to surpass him and become the strongest trainer in the whole of Alola."

Ash raises an eyebrow and says "well I'm taking on the island challenge to and my next battle is against you grandfather." Hau folds his arms and says "then you may as well turn around and go home my grandfather is unbeatable especially by a rookie trainer like yourself with one Z crystal."

Ash and the gang almost burst out laughing at the young trainers ludicrous statement. Mallow lightly chuckles and says "I wouldn't underestimate him if I were you." Lille adds "Ash is easily one of the best trainers in the world." Hau just shrugs and says "I'll believe it when I see it." Ash smirks and says "well I've got 5 minutes spare and I could use a warm up why don't we have a battle right now." Hau smiles with confidence and says "your on."

The two take their positions opposite as Kiawe whispers "this could be a massacre if Ash wanted but I bet he doesn't use Pikachu." His train of thought is interrupted by Ash's voice. "Hey kiawe, can you be the referee." Kiawe looks up and nods as he takes a position between the two.

Kiawe shouts "this will be a one on one battle between Ash from Pallet town and Hau. The battle will end once on trainers pokemon is unable to battle." Hau smirks and takes a pokeball from his pocket. He shouts "win this Rowlet." A green owl pokemon emerges from his pokemon while smiling and cooing. Ash scratches his head and says "who's that Pokémon." He reaches into his pocket and scans the Pokémon revealing it to be a Rowlet. Hau adds "Rowlet is my strongest Pokémon and my starter from professor Kukui."

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