
Dream tosses and turns in his bed with a groan. Thoughts of Y/N swarm around in his head.

What if she doesn't wake up?
What if I never see her smile again?
I never got to do things with her.
Why did I have to fuck this up?

It's my fault.

It's my fault this happened to her.
If I hadn't been so worried, if I had trusted her more, she would have killed Schlatt.

If she does, I might as well have killed her.

Tears blur in his eyes and he reaches for a tissue, blowing his nose and crumpling it into a ball. As if he's throwing a baseball, he throws it with all his might against the ground. The ball bounces and rolls into the sea of white tissue balls. Four empty tissue boxes sit on the floor in the center.

His phone rings and he lets out a sniffle, collecting himself the best he can and lifting the phone.

The number or name is blurry through his tear-filled eyes and he mindlessly swipes to accept.

"Hello?" he asks.

"Hi Dream."


The car speeds down the road and Dream almost crashes into the steps descending down from the front door.

He jumps out of the car, not bothering to take out the keys or even shut the door.

The two guards standing there look startled as Dream climbs out of his car, stumbling up the steps.

"Sir, please—" One guard holds up his hand but Dream shoves him aside flinging open the giant double doors.

Once inside, he sprints inside, down the stairs, and through the hallways. Servants and maids in white and black uniforms bustle around but quickly hurry out of his way.

Dream finds the hospital wing and races straight for it. His heart pounds and sweat beads on his forehead but the only thing matters is getting behind that door.

The guards standing there from the day before, get ready but Dream doesn't stop. He runs faster, barreling toward them.

He crashes straight into them, tumbling through the door. The guards lie in a heap on the ground with the nearly broken door hanging on by only the top hinge.

"So reckless," he hears a voice muse. His head shoots up to see Y/N lying in a hospital bed. Numerous tubes trail out of her but she has a smile on her face. "Couldn't wait, could you? I only called 10 minutes ago."


Dream jumps to his feet and kneels down beside her bed. He reaches for her hand, running it between his to warm it.

"I thought I'd never see you again," he whispers.

"You think a bullet can stop me?" Y/N says with a soft giggle as Dream gently brushes the hair from her face. "I've been shot way too many times to count. Although, I believe Techno made it seem a lot more serious than it actually was."

"I'm sorry," he says finally, the tears building in his eyes again. "I'm sorry I didn't trust you. I thought you couldn't do it on your own so I tried to help. I guess I underestimated that fact. If I hadn't done anything, you would have killed him. Just seeing you and him, leaving the bar, with you drunk as fuck, I felt like someone stabbed me."

"Hey, it's fine okay?" Y/N's hand reaches up to cup his cheek. "I still have to kill Schlatt but that can wait, he's in no shape to fight."

Dream vaguely remembers Schlatt clutching his stomach with blood dripping down as he ran.

He looks up to see Y/N smiling.

"So you got him like he got you," his hand rests lightly against her bandaged stomach and he runs his fingers across it gently.

"Much worse than that," Y/N laughs. "I guarantee he won't be able to walk for the next month."

Dream's green eyes find hers.

"What did you do?" he asks softly, his hand still clutching hers tightly.

Y/N smirks.

"How much does getting kicked in the balls hurt on a scale of 1-10?"

Dream frowns for a second.

"At least a 9."

"Then how much would getting shot in both balls feel?"

Dream looks up at her with a shocked expression.

Oh she did not—

She wasn't trying to kill him at first, she was trying to make him suffer.

"It would hurt so much," he whispers.

Y/N reaches down and pats his shoulder, tangling her fingers through his hair as her hand travels up to his face.

Dream stands up slightly to lean over her bed.

"I'm glad you did that," he says, his lips brushing against hers. "He hurt you, he hurt so many more. Now he's the one who's going to hurt for a very long time."


1,267 words

I missed the George space :(

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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