Twenty Five

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"Ben!" I cry out, trying to stand and run to him, but my leg buckles, thigh burning. He catches me before I can fall completely, holding me close to his chest.

Then there's a tug against my back, and I'm wrenched from his grip, flying backwards with a scream.

"Chava!" Ben shouts, stretching his hand towards me, trying to grab my hand. He can't catch me, though, and my body slams against the armrest of the massive throne. I feel a crack, and everything hurts for a moment.

I close my eyes, and nothingness surrounds me.

I hear Ben's voice, and after a short while, I feel him. His heart beats against mine, but an icy chill bites through my skin.

"Please wake up." He whispers. I try to move, to open my eyes, but nothing happens.


Then warmth.

I open my eyes, feeling Ben's hand over my heart. I suck in a breath, sitting up quickly, very aware of the absence of pain.

"Ben." I breathe.

"Muna." His eyes fill with tears, and he kisses me hard. After a moment, he pulls back, a grin spreading across his face. He chuckles, and I kiss him again.

"Is it over?" I whisper.

"Yes." He whispers. "Chava, I love you so much. Never forget that."

"You have a lifetime to remind me." I reply, holding his face. He smiles softly, almost sadly. "Ben?" His eyes gloss over, and I gasp as he falls backwards. "Ben?" I call his name more urgently, shaking him. "Ben!" Tears rip down my face as his breathing stills. "No, no, no, no!" I bury my face in his chest, and he groans, placing his large hand on my back. 

"Not dead, just tired." He mumbles. I laugh, a sob wrenching in my throat.

"What happened?" I look around, seeing destruction. 

And Rey. 

She lies on the ground, and I know already that she's dead. 

"I don't know." He whispers. "Pal-" He sits up, groaning. "Palpatine threw me down a hole. When I climbed up, I saw her dead. He's gone, too." 

"You fell?" I hold his face in my hands, taking in the blood matted around his face, the bruises forming behind the dirt dusting his cheeks. "Are you alright?"

He opens his mouth to answer, but a heavy sob comes out instead of words. He buries his face in his hands, shaking his head. 

"We- we need to get out of here." He hiccups. "Now. They're going to come for Rey." I nod, and he hesitates for a moment before trying to stand, but he can't. 

"Ben-" I grab his arm, struggling to help him up. "The Knights-"

"They're gone." His voice breaks, and something in my chest cracks. 

"Then we use the Night Buzzard to leave." I whisper. He pauses, then nods. 

"There isn't enough room in the TIE-Fighter I came here in for the both of us." 

"Come on." I throw his arm over my shoulder, helping him to limp towards the exit. 

Away from Rey. 

We pass Silnaa's body, and I look away, not letting the tears fall. 

"Chava, we need to find some planet to hide." He mumbles, head drooping. I struggle under his weight but manage to pull him to the platform that lowered me down into the caves before. 


"They'll see the TIE. They'll know I was here. They- they'll think I killed her." He breathes. 

My knees buckle as the platform begins to rise. 

"What if they don't put the two together?" I ask, knowing that he's right. 

"They'll still look for us." He tries to sit, but I pull him up. "I- I'm the most high-profile First Order commander. They'll want me tried and killed for war crimes." 

"Yeah, makes sense." I pull him off the platform, tugging him towards the Night Buzzard. "Ben, you have to help me." 

"S-sorry." He groans. "I'm ju- just so tired." 

"I know." I pause for a moment, catching my breath. "But we're almost there." I drag him around the corner, and the ship becomes visible. I let out a shaky breath in relief. 

As we approach, the ramp lowers with a hiss and we stumble up it. 

"Where are we going to go?" I gasp, setting him down on one of the benches in the common area. Only a short while ago, the Knights, me, and Kylo were here. 


Now only Ben and I remain. 

"Far, far away."


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