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     The lights flicker anxiously as the ship creaks underneath our feet. The stormtroopers around me mutter to themselves and shift their weight from foot to foot. 

    The girl next to me has been trying to get me to talk to her for the past hour, gossiping about the people around us. 

    "And KN-6773 over there is-" She glances at me. "Are you even listening?" 

    Slowly, I turn my white plastoid helmet to her. 

    Please, save me from this. I plead internally. Only a few feet away in the cockpit is Kylo Ren, who most likely is standing and staring at the blue glow of hyperspace. 

    He's in a mood today, which happens every so often. Usually he's happy, apparently happier than he's ever been, according to Cardo. But this morning he rolled out of bed with a scowl. 

    It might be the mission. I'm undercover as a stormtrooper for our trip to Takodana. He protested against it, but it's the most strategic place for me to be right now. All we had to do was find a stormtrooper within the assigned division who had the same build as me. We put her to sleep for the duration of the mission. She won't know the difference when she wakes up, and hopefully nobody else will either. 

    So for now my name is KN-6777. 

    "Save you from what?" Kylo's voice filters through my head, and I feel my body relax, settling into the sound of his words. 

    This stormtrooper is talking my ear off.

    "That seems like a you problem, darling." He hums, attempting humour. I roll my eyes, scoffing. "Don't worry. We'll be landing soon." 

    With that, my mind goes silent. 

    "Do you have an issue with me all of a sudden?" The girl snaps. "You're just ignoring me." I make a face underneath my helmet, sighing. 

    "I'm tired." I mutter, hoping that KN-6777's voice sounds like mine. 

    "Oh." She falls silent. "Are you going to be okay for the mission?" I hesitate, but nod. My mission is different than theirs. According to General Hux, there are three Resistance spies in this division planning to make an exchange with their rebel counterparts. I have to somehow figure out who they are and eliminate them. 


    I let out a long breath, closing my eyes as I listen to the chatter. It fills my mind like white noise as I try to pick out different conversations. 

    Not that the spies would be talking about their mission right now. 

    I flinch slightly as the intercom hisses, then the pilot's voice filters through. 

    "Pulling out of hyperspace now." 


    "Are you sure you want to do this?" Kylo asks, voice curling inside my head. "You don't have to." He says, words clipped with worry. 

    It's in and out. You just have to tell me who breaks away from the group. I pull my blaster from its place at my side, busying myself with making sure that it's in good condition. 

    "I don't want you to get hurt." 

    You have so little faith in me. I tease. I feel a twinge of embarrassment from him and my face heats slightly. I'll be fine, Kylo. I smile softly, though he can't see it. 

    "I know." His voice is quiet, and I hear the landing gear activate. The chatter stops, and I place my blaster back on my belt. 

    "Troopers," The door to the cockpit slides open, and Kylo steps out. He scans the room quickly, frowning slightly. I hold back a smile. He can't find me in the sea of white plastoid. 

    "Have you ever noticed how attractive he is?" The girl next to me asks quietly, leaning over. I narrow my eyes. 

    "I heard he's involved with someone." I hiss back. She shrugs. 

    "Superiors don't really consider nights with us as infidelity." She giggles. "We might have a chance." I roll my hands into fists, biting my lip hard. 

    Kylo's eyes land on me, and I huff. 

    "Found you." The corners of his lips turn upwards slightly. If someone didn't live, sleep, and eat by his side, they would have missed the expression. 

    Finish your debrief. He turns his gaze back to the division as a whole. 

    "Troopers, today we are investigating the town of Nymeve. We've had reports of rebel activity moving in and out of the ruins." He crosses his arms. "The First Order is not seeking to conquer this planet. We have no interest. Leave the people alone if you have no suspicion." I feel a stiffness overtake me, steadying me as the ship lands with a heavy impact. Kylo glances at me again, and I scoff. 

    You don't need to use the force to steady me, Kylo

    He shrugs slightly as the ramp descends and the rows of soldiers begin marching single file down to the ground. 

    "I'll let you know what I see from up here." He says into my mind. I nod as I step off, hoping he sees it. I don't turn back to look at him again, and just as I contemplate it, the girl next to me grabs my arm, pulling me towards a house. 

    "Let's pair up!" She says cheerfully. I groan softly, and she ignores me. "So, you have to admit that the Supreme Leader is absolutely beautiful." 

    "You're gonna give him a big head." I mutter, rolling my eyes as I knock on the door. There's no answer for a moment, and I prepare to knock harder, but the girl continues. 

    "Do you think I have a chance?" She asks, leaning against the wall. "I mean, I'm a stormtrooper but-" She stops, pushing off the wall as the door opens. An old woman gasps, stepping back as she sees us. 

    "I- I-" She looks around frantically.

    "Good evening, ma'am." I angle my head. "I apologise for the intrusion, but we'd like to search your home for any hints of the Resistance." 

    "I- Do I look like a war junkie?" She shakes her head, moving to close the door. I stick my foot in the opening. 

    "We have orders, ma'am." I say firmly. Her eyes are wide, and I almost feel bad. She nods, letting me open the door fully. 

    The house seems normal, but I gesture for the girl to check underneath cushions and furniture. I do the same, but finish before her, so I move to stand with the woman. She tenses up as I approach, and I let out a heavy breath. 

    "Please, I don't want anything to do with this war." 

    "That's fine, ma'am." I hold up a hand. "We're not here to take over your planet. We just want to eliminate any Resistance presence here." 

    "How do you expect me to help with that?" She takes a step back, and I stop my advance. 

    "I'd like to ask you some questions, if that's alright." She nods hesitantly, but gestures to the couch after a moment. 

    "Of course. Come, sit."

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