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"Hux has gone too far this time, Kylo." I argue, keeping his pace as he strides quickly down the hall. The Knights of Ren follow us, and Kylo looks down at me. 

I can't see his face. 

He had a mask made from the pieces of the old one he supposedly wore before he killed Supreme Leader Snoke and took his place. When I asked him what was wrong with the old one, he mumbled something about an elevator. 

"I'll deal with him later."

"I know you think this is funny, but-" I fall silent as we stop in front of a door. The Supreme Council sits inside, waiting for us. He holds out a gloved hand, and Kuruk hands him the severed head of an Ovissian male. I make a face behind my own mask, but follow him into the room anyway. He immediately slams the head down onto the table, and I stifle a sick bout of laughter as the head bounces a little, and the juices splatter. 

"We have a spy in our ranks," Kylo says, voice filtered as he paces to the head of the table. I remain standing where I am. He's not in a good mood. "Who just sent a message to the Resistance. Whoever this traitor is, won't stop us." I catch General Pryde, a stoic and arrogant man, shoot a look at Hux as Kylo passes, looking out the window and out at the stars. Maybe we're not the only ones who know. I think. Or maybe they're in this together. "With what I've seen on Exegol, the First Order is about to become a true empire." He pauses, turning to look at Hux, and I sigh. Finally. "I sense unease about my appearance, General Hux." He says. I smirk as Hux's face goes red and everyone looks at him. 

"About the mask?" He asks stiffly. "No, Sir. Well done." 

"I like it." The woman next to him adds. I have to fight violently not to laugh, and Kylo glances up at me. He knows what he's doing

"Forgive me, Sir, but these allies on Exegol, they sound like a cult." One of the officers, Quinn, I believe, says, scoffing. "Conjurers and soothsayers."

"They've conjured legions of Star Destroyers." Pryde snaps. "The Sith fleet will increase our resources one hundred-thousandfold." He turns his gaze to Hux. "Such range and power will correct the error of Starkiller Base."

"We'll need to increase recruitments. Harvest more of the galaxy's young." Another officer volunteers. 

"This fleet, what is it, a gift?" Quinn says. "What is he asking for in return?" He opens his mouth to say something else, but Kylo throws his hand towards the man, who wraps his hands around his neck as he chokes, flying out of his chair and slamming against the ceiling. 

"Prepare to crush any worlds that defy us." Kylo says, bracing his hands on the table, not sparing a glance to the man on the ceiling. "My knights and I are going hunting for the scavenger." He waves a hand, and the official on the ceiling falls to the ground, unmoving. Then he pushes off the table, leaving the head in front of the council as he leaves. I trail after him, only allowing myself to laugh once we begin to walk down the hall, Knights still trailing us. 

"Well done!" I giggle, flicking the side of his helmet. He chuckles, pressing his hand to my lower back as we step down the hall to our quarters. 

We're on the Steadfast, Ren's flagship. Our quarters here are white and spacious. Sprawling. Boring. There are six rooms. A room with his trophies, a bedroom, our living room, kitchen, bathroom, and his office. Everything is white and sterile, contrary to the rest of the ship, and pretty much everything else in our life. 

"How are you feeling?" He asks, pulling off his helmet and smoothing his hair as we enter. I sigh. 

"I wasn't hurt, Ky." I press a kiss to his cheek after deactivating my mask. He wraps his arm around my waist, dipping his face into my neck. 

"Your arm says otherwise, Muna." 

"Kylo." I swallow thickly, and he draws back. "Palpatine told you that- that my mother was his daughter, right?" 

"Yes, dear." His eyes soften. 

"Hunter Horne isn't my name." 

"What?" He pulls away. 

"Kylo, I didn't know." I explain, holding my hands so my palms face the ceiling. He hesitates, but then nods. 

"It doesn't matter what your name is, or who you came from." He leans forward, kissing me. 

"Chava." I blurt. He frowns.


"That's my name." I swallow. "And- and that's the first time I've said it out loud." 

"It's beautiful." He whispers, touching his forehead to mine. "You are beautiful." I flinch as the door slides open, and Kylo's fingers close my mask for me. 

"Supreme Leader, Sir." General Hux stands in the doorway. Kylo groans softly, pulling away from me. "There's an incident by the prison that needs attention, and I was hoping to borrow a Knight of Ren for the purpose." Kylo turns to me, lifting a brow. 

"Use this one." He says. "Because obviously we're not doing anything important." He waves his hands, and I exaggerate a bow in his direction. 

As I leave with the General, I can't help but miss Kylo and I's bond, and hate Silnaa for taking it away from me. There are so many things I want to say, but I can't ask for him to go into my mind and take back the shard of consciousness he took before, can I?

"General Hux." I say stiffly and softly as we walk down the hall. "How can I help you?" 

"My spies in maintenance were discovered." He mutters. 

"I'm sorry." I feign sympathy in my voice, knowing full well that Kylo cut them down. 

"Did you tell Ren about them?" He demands, glaring as we step past a group of stormtroopers. 

"Of course not." I lie. 

"How do you still have him wrapped around your finger?" He hisses. I shrug. 

"He's not as smart as you think he is." I turn my mask to him. "Or untrusting." 

"Your friend Imrie says that you're working for Ren." 

My heart drops. 

"Well Ren was in the room, so what choice did I have other than to play along with him?" 

"Hunter, we can't mess up. Not now." 

"I'm well aware of the stakes, General." 

"I don't think you are." He snaps. "If we fail, the galaxy will burn at the hands of Kylo Ren, and I will cut down anyone I need to in order to prevent that from happening." He stops walking, grabbing my arm. "Don't get in my way."

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