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"She loved you." Kylo says softly. The security camera microphone barely picks it up, but the words still echo around the empty room I sit in. "She tries to deny it, but it's true." Imrie doesn't move, gaze focused on the floor in front of him. "Everything she did, she did for you." There's a short pause as Kylo waits for a reaction. 


"She fought and killed when I gave the word so that I wouldn't seek you out." Again, nothing. Kylo lets out an angry shout, ripping his saber from his belt. It activates and tears into the wall, sparks bouncing around him. He turns, a sneer pasted across his face as he points the blade at Imrie, who hasn't even flinched. "The only future she ever imagined for herself was one with you." He grits out. "And now? Now she's too afraid to even think about tomorrow." The saber blade vanishes, and Kylo leans down. "If I didn't need the information you have, I would gut you right now for the hell you've put her through." He grits out. I press a shaking hand against my mouth, mouth drying. I stand, turning my back to the monitors, fighting tears as I take a step towards the door.

Bazzra was right. I can't do this. I can't watch this.

"You love her." Imrie's voice is like gravel.

I whirl, rushing back to the monitor.

Kylo pauses.


"You love her, don't you?" Imrie lifts his head, revealing his swollen face. Kylo says nothing for a long while, and a tear traces my cheek.

"More than anything I've ever had." He lifts his chin. "I do." I let out a sob, holding a hand to my chest as I sink to my knees before the screen.

"More than your power?" Imrie hisses, leaning forward. Kylo scoffs.

"I'd burn this regime to the ground for her." He says, stalking closer. "If I had nothing, I would still do everything I could to give her the world." He slams his gloved hand beside Imrie's head. "Can you say the same?" He hisses. "You left her in the hands of a monster."


"You failed." He says, drawing back. "You're worthless. You're nothing." 

"Stop." Imrie looks away. 

"When I found her, she'd been tortured for three months." Kylo's voice is so dangerous that even I bristle. "Where were you?" He demands, raising his voice. "She was almost dead when she came to me." His words crack, and another tear drops down my cheek. "She dreamed that you would come and save her." 


"Where were you?" Kylo shouts, tossing a fisted blow across Imrie's face. 

"I was trying!" Imrie cries, a sob catching his words. I draw my knees up to my chest, silent tears streaming down my cheeks. "I've been to the general so many times to try and get a team together to save her." 

"Organa?" Kylo releases a bitter laugh. "She doesn't care about the lives of anyone other than those most important to the story. To her story." 

"Hunter-" He hesitates. 

"Hunter what?" 


"Believe me," Kylo leans in. "You want to answer my questions."

"No thanks." He tenses. Kylo angles his head. Then he waves his hand, and the door opens. Ushar steps back inside, and places himself next to Kylo.

"Do you have an update on Hunter's whereabouts, Ushar?" He asks, letting the door close. 

"No, Ren. Bazzra was unable to find her." 

"But she's not in the prison ward, right?" 

"I don't see why she would be. We didn't tell her that we were going to do this now." 

"Good." Kylo steps back. "Continue your work until he finishes his sentence."

"Thank you." Ushar steps over to the table of instruments, selecting a syringe. 

"Y- you don't scare me." Imrie stammers, watching the knight with wide eyes. 

"Brave." Ushar says. "But not impressive." He sticks the needle in Imrie's neck, and I close my eyes. Immediately, I see the grinning face of the man who tortured me for months. I snap my eyes open with a short gasp as Imrie cries out. I turn my eyes to the monitor again, seeing Ushar put down the syringe to pick up a thin knife. 

"Please." Imrie whispers. Kylo scoffs. 

"That was a mistake, Imrie. He doesn't like begging." My lover says. As if in return, Ushar sticks the blade into the centre of Imrie's chest. He screams, the sound wrenching a sob from between my lips. Ushar drags the knife down slightly before tossing it back on the table. 

Then he punches Imrie in the face. I can hear the crunch of bone from the camera, and I stand. 

Move, Imrie. Do something. Show me that you're not dead

As if he heard me, he stirs with a pained groan. I sit back down, letting out a breath. Ushar's gloves have iron lining the insides, so when he lands a punch, it deals almost twice the damage. Kylo steps forward, grabbing Imrie's hair and pulling his head back. 

"Please." Imrie's chin trembles, and I take a deep breath. 

"Do your veins feel like fire, Imrie?" Kylo asks quietly, barely loud enough for the microphone to pick up. "Does every bit of your pathetic being ache?" 

"She- she's a spy." Imrie says, voice wavering as blood trails down his chin. "She's duping you."

The world narrows, and fury pools inside my chest. 

That's all it took?

Kylo draws back, rage twisting his features.

"That's all it took?" He hits Imrie in the nose again, and the bloodied Resistance trooper screams, the sound tearing apart my heart. 

But rage builds it back up.

"Ren-" Kylo silences Ushar with a finger. 

"She never cracked." He says, voice trembling. "She spent three months doing this, and she never cracked, for you." His fist finds Imrie's stomach this time. "And you sold her out over nothing!" Another blow to his stomach. "She's not a spy for you, idiot," Kylo steps back, tenser than I've ever seen him. "She's a spy for me."

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