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"What?" I draw back, something cold rising in my chest. Kylo needs to come soon. "I don't have any family."

"Yes you do." She leans forward, placing her hands on my shoulders. "You have me and grandfather!" She hesitates. "And a cousin, but she's complicated." 

"You're insane." I spit. "I don't know who you think you are, but-"

"I'm your sister, Chava." She wrings her hands, standing. 

"Stop calling me that." I curl my lip. "You're crazy." 

"No, of course you wouldn't know." She pauses. "She left when you were a baby." Her gaze hardens, and I struggle to rise to my feet. She hesitates, but waves her hand. My cuffs fall to the ground, and I rub my wrists. Immediately, I lift my fingers to the metal behind my ear, and instead of activating my mask with two taps, I hold my fingers to it for a few moments. 

Then there's static. 

Only static. 

"I jammed your comm the moment I bound your wrists." She tells me, eyes sad. "But he'll come, don't worry." 

"Why take me if you're only going to give me back?" I hiss, finding myself pressed against the wall. "You could have saved a lot of time just walking up to him and asking him to kill you." 

"My master wants Ren to find him. That's why you're here." 

"Why not send a note?" I try the comm again, heart beginning to pound. 

"He has a flair for the dramatics. He only wishes to meet with Ren. You'll go back with him, don't worry." She sits with her back against the wall opposite me, and I swallow thickly. "So whilst we wait, please tell me about mother." She averts her gaze. "What was she like?" 

"I still don't believe you." I whisper. "She always said that we were alone in the galaxy." 

"She ran away. Once grandfather saw my potential and saw your..." she hesitates. "Lack of it, she was afraid that he'd have you killed."

"If you're telling the truth-" I look to the ground. "Who is my grandfather?" 

"Well, who is Ren looking for?" She asks, lifting a brow. My mouth dries. 

"You're lying." 

"I wish I were." 

"How is that possible?" I breathe. "He died decades ago." 

"He had two children before the second Death Star." She shrugs. I slide down the wall until I sit on the ground in the same position she's in. "Our aunt, and our mother." She pauses. "Cousin Rey is running about somewhere in the galaxy right now." 

"The Jedi?" My mouth dries, and I don't know what to do with my hands. "She's my cousin?" 

"Yeah. Such a shame that she didn't follow the family trade." 

"I killed her." I say, leaning forward. "She's not my problem anymore." 

"Chava, she's very much alive." 

"No." I stand. "No, she can't be." The image of Vicrul curled on the ground with Marinda in his arms cracks into my mind. "I killed her. My sword went all the way through."

"Yes, very impressive, but she survived." She stands, and I back up against the wall again. "My master is waiting for me to attend to my duties." Her voice shifts, wavering in a slightly monotonous tone. "You'll be safe and comfortable here for the time being." 

"Is Kylo really coming?" I ask, swallowing thickly. 

"He's found Vader's wayfinder, so I'd assume so." She tells me, placing her hand on the doorknob. "He should be here within the half hour. The acolytes will prepare you for his arrival."

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