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"Kylo." I stand in the doorway to our room, and he looks up from the book he was reading. 

"Hunter." He looks up, rising from his seat. 


"I love you." He interrupts. "I love you, Hunter Horne." He takes a breath, and I take a step back. "I- I am so violently, painfully, and horribly in love with you, and it makes me want to rip my heart out sometimes." He moves closer to me. "And I am so, so sorry that I didn't tell you earlier."


"You don't have to say anything." He holds up his hands. "I'll leave if you want me to, but I just had to say it before I destroyed the one good thing in my life."

"Stop interrupting me, stupid." I order, meeting him in the centre of the room. "I'm trying to tell you that I love you too." I place my hands on his chest, looking up at him. "And I don't have twenty years of rich kid lessons, so I'm not as eloquent as you are." I lift myself up on my toes, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "But I can assure you that I love you just as much." His face breaks into a grin, the beautiful one that belongs to me. He takes my face in his hands, kissing me. I laugh, and he lifts me into his arms.

"I love you, Hunter." He says. "More than anything." 

"More than your power?" I ask, unable to hide my smile. He chuckles.

"I should have known you were lurking." He sets me down on the bed. "How much did you see?" He lays beside me, pulling a large chunk of hair from my braid and begins playing with it. 

"Enough to know that I want to be there next time." I roll my hands into fists. "I'll show him exactly who I'm working for."

"Muna," Kylo pulls me close, and I feel tears pooling in my eyes. "I wanted to kill him."

"Me too." I turn to face him. "Does that make me a horrible person?" 

"Darling, you are the one good thing in this entire regime." He mutters. There's a pause, and he scoffs. "Did you call me a rich kid?" 

"You're going to deny it?" I sit up, shoving him. "The only things I know in Huttese are 'don't shoot' and 'bathroom'." 

"Oh?" He raises a brow, and I laugh. 

He loves me.

"I do." He sits up, his voice curling inside my mind. 

"You messed up my hair, so you must not love me that much." I tease, poking him. He hums. 

"Perhaps." He wraps his arms around my waist, kissing me again before standing. I grab his arm, but he pulls away with a grin. "Come. I'm hungry." 

"What are you making?" I stand, following him. 

"Whatever you want me to make." He uses the force to open the conservator once we enter the kitchen, and I head over to see what's inside. I grab a package of pashi noodles and hand them to him. His fingers linger on mine for a moment before he steps back to grab a pot. 

"So, who delivers this food?" I ask, shutting the door. "Does some random stormtrooper out there just know that you love cooking?" 

"No," He lifts a brow. "I have droids." 

"Oh." I lift myself onto the small metal table in the corner, placing my feet on the chair as he turns the stove on, letting the water heat up. 


"Oh." I nod my head. After a moment, I suck in a breath. "I saw Massif today." He pauses, shoulders tightening. 

"You did?" 

"Yeah, she looked pretty bad." I rub my neck. "I never wanted her to suffer like that." 

"She doesn't know her place." He says quietly. "She hasn't for quite some time. This was the last straw." He pours the pasta into the pot, and I sigh. 

"So you beat her half to death?" 

"Hunter, the Knights of Ren aren't gentle beings. If I let them walk over me, one of them will take advantage of that, kill me, and take my place as Ren. That's how it works."

"She looked like she was in pain."

"She is." He takes a slab of white meat from the conservator, as well as several vegetables. 


"She hurt you." He pulls a knife from a cabinet, beginning to chop up the meat and vegetables. "She deserves every ounce of that pain."

"She hurt me, and you hurt her." I kick my feet. "I'm fine. You should let her be fine too." 

"She's not my problem anymore." He says. "She's no longer a Knight of Ren." 

"Then you won't mind if I visit her." I tell him. "Just once. To apologize." 

"Sweetheart-" He turns around, and I hop off the table, stepping up to him and wrapping my arms around his neck, rising up on my toes and kissing him. 

"This is what I want." He hesitates, then groans. 

"Only because I love you." He presses his face into the crook of my neck. "Which you'd do well to remember when you go in there."

"Just give me the code, and I promise to remember." I kiss him again, and he hums. 

"Anything for you, darling."

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