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General Hux found me. He watched me for a moment, something like sympathy in his gaze. I could only manage to gasp out that I was lost before he nodded and opened his datapad.

Then he helped me back to my room.

Where I now lay on my back, on the floor, tears pooling into uncomfortable spots as I cry.


Because the pain is only getting worse.

Please. I roll my hands into fists, hating myself for calling out to him. Please.

    "I'm busy." He says, voice flooding my mind. I wait for the door to slide open, as it always does when I'm in here but he's not. It stays closed. "What do you need?" His presence curls around my mind, and I let out a sob.


I curse myself for the lie.

"Then stop bothering me."

I feel him pull away, and another cry rips from me. I frantically search the room, looking for anything to help. The pain seems to be getting worse, though I don't know how.

Then the door slides open. I flinch, then turn, expecting Kylo Ren. Instead, General Hux stands in the doorway, a bag slung across his shoulder.

"You're in pain." He kneels at my side. I try to sit up, but he pushes me back down gently. "What happened?"

"My-" I choke on another sob, humiliation heating my face. "My side." I gesture to where the pain is expanding from, and he lets out a sigh.

"I'm going to have to touch it, okay?" He removes his gloves, and I nod. "Take in a breath, yeah I know it hurts." He says, smoothing my hair from my face with one hand as his other explores where I gestured. "Okay, it seems like you've popped one of your ribs out." He meets my gaze, voice calm. "There's not much we can do for that other than give you ice, does that sound good?"

"Please." I say quietly. "Help me."

"I will do my best." He says, taking a syringe from his bag. I cry out, pushing myself away, pain increasing.

"No!" I force myself to sit against the wall. "No! Please don't!" I put my hands out in front of me, the memory of fire in my blood almost as painful as the fire in my chest. Hux stands, hands raised, the syringe still hooked around his fingers.

"I can't help you if you don't let me." He says. "I don't know what you've been through, but I hate Ren, and he's hurt you." Hux takes three steps forward, and I shrink back into the wall, afraid to say that it was't Kylo Ren. "That means we can be in this together, but I need you to trust that I know what I'm doing."

"I haven't done anything wrong." I say between sobs. "I don't know anything." He blinks, then his gaze slides to the syringe in his hand.

"They tortured you." He says softly. "I'm so sorry." He crouches down to my level, and I press myself into the wall as far as I can go, my chest screaming at me to stop. "This is medicine." He assures me. "You've had bacta treatments before, yes?" I nod slowly. "That's what this is. It will make you feel better." I bite my cheek as I let him approach, offering my arm. I squeeze my eyes shut in expectation of the pinch, but it never comes.

    When I crack my eyes open, he's up on his feet again.

    "Did you do it?" I ask quietly.

    "Give it a moment to go through your system." He reassures me. I nod, using a shaking hand to push my hair away from my damp forehead. "Here." He crouches next to me, a flask in his hand. "It's water."

    "Thank you." I say, feeling the pain begin to recede already. "Your kindness is appreciated." I bow my head to him, and he shrugs, standing.

    "The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?"

    "I guess." I use the wall to help me stand, but he reaches forward, taking my forearms to help. I wince, nearly forgetting about the bruises there as well. He notices, and flips my arms over to reveal the dark blues and purples painting my skin a blotchy mess of shades.

    "What did he do to you?" He breathes.

    "I-" I swallow. "Nothing. I'm fine."

    "Your name is Hunter, right?" He helps me to the bed, sitting by my side. I nod. "I'm Armitage." I nod again, unsure of what else to say. "You were the spy in our ranks, no?" I dip my chin wordlessly again. "You and your partner-"

    "I don't want to talk about him." I say quickly, remembering the feel of his blood coating my hands.

    This is the beginning of your ruination. Kylo Ren had said.

    I had no idea how right he was.

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