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    I stand beside Kylo quietly for a long time in silence. His hand envelops mine, and I shiver in my thin stormtrooper body glove. The ruins are hauntingly quiet, but his presence next to me is soothing. He squeezes my hand, clearing his throat. I look up at him, angling my head. 

    "Yes?" I raise a brow. 

    "I-I'm so sorry." He shakes his head, not turning to me. "There were three spies, and I only got two of them." 

    "Hey, why are you apologising?" I ask, turning to lift a hand to his face, resting my fingers on his jaw. "I'll just go after the last one." I pull away, tying up my hair. "Which direc-"

    "It's Imrie." He blurts. "He's been living as a spy for the past-" He swallows. "I couldn't kill him."

    "Oh." I step back, stomach churning. "I- I'll go get him. We don't need to kill him, just take him." I nod. "Yeah." I stand on my toes, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Please don't be an idiot while I'm gone." I check my swords and the stormtrooper blaster. He laughs dryly. 

    "That's going to be hard." He pulls me close, resting his chin on the top of my head for a moment. "Are you sure?"

    "He's just another target." I promise. "You have my loyalty." He nods, shifting on his feet. "I'll be back." I pull away, holding his hand for a moment longer. "Which way did he go?" 

    "Into the forest." He points. "Before his helmet came off, I managed to get his leg with my saber. He's injured." He runs a hand through his hair. "If you can't find him, come back." 

    "I'll find him." I say, stepping backwards several times before turning and jogging in the direction he told me. 

    I hear shouting after a moment, several blaster shots, then silence. My heart climbs into my throat as I break into a sprint. 

    There's one more shot that sounds as I approach a clearing. A stormtrooper stands in the centre, blaster aimed at another, who falls limply to the ground. 

    "Hey." I say softly. He whirls, blaster directed at me. Recognition flashes across his face and he lowers the weapon. 

    "Hey." He breathes, tense. "What are you doing here?"

    "I could ask you the same question." I angle my head. "But I won't, because I know the answer." He looks away, tossing his blaster to the ground. "You're gonna need that, Imrie." I tell him, heart pounding.

    "You won't shoot me." He rubs his face, sitting on the ground next to the stormtrooper he killed. There are several other bodies littering the ground, trapped in white plastoid. I lean down, pressing two fingers to the trooper at my feet's neck.

    He's dead. 

    "You shot my men." I say. "I should shoot you."

    "Your men?" He watches me warily as I approach him. "Since when do you have men?" 

    "Since Kylo Ren gave me control of his legion." I crouch in front of him. 

    "One of our spies said-"

    "Don't blow my cover, Imrie." I hiss. "Ren wants me to take you captive." I grab his arm. "I haven't turned, but he thinks I have. You need to get up and act like a prisoner." I stand, pulling him to his feet. He cries out, pressing a hand to his outer thigh. "You're milking it. I've had worse and been able to-"

    "I-I'm sorry for leaving you." He whispers. I roll my eyes, turning away. 

    "Come on." I draw my blaster, pressing it into his back. "I'll try to make it easy on you. Put your hands on your head. Look distressed." I push him forward. He stumbles, but starts limping in the direction of where I left Kylo. 

    "Do you love him?" Imrie asks quietly. I pause, blinking. 

    "Love who?" 

    "Kylo Ren. I was watching him eat your face off down there."

    "He wasn't eating my face off." I roll my eyes. 

    "He was all over you, Hunter." 

    "Why do you care?" We reach the edge of the forest, and I see that Kylo's shuttle has landed, towering over the ruins, which are hauntingly quiet. The stormtroopers are lined up and prepared for the Resistance, which should be arriving any moment. 

    "Because you're my best friend, I don't know if I like-"

    "Oh so now we're best friends again?" I grit my teeth. "You left me, and he found me." 

    "You're a spy, Hunter." 

    "And my relationship with the Supreme Leader is a result of that." I say firmly. "I'm close to him. Close enough to know what I need to know. I have his trust." I pause for a moment, scanning the field for Ren. "That's a very hard thing to obtain, Imrie." 


    "Shut up." I hiss. "We're within earshot." 

    My gaze catches on Kylo, who surveys his troops with a steady eye. Then he turns his head and smiles. Quickly, vaguely, and it vanishes immediately, but it's directed at me. My face heats, and I look away. 

    He strides towards us, and Imrie backs up, nearly knocking me over. Kylo uses the force to steady me, and I shoot him a look.

    "Well, what do we have here?" He drawls. "A rat?" 

    "Something like that." I angle my head. "Where do you want him?" 

    "The Night Buzzard just landed." I nod, grateful for the Knights of Ren and their ship with a past of being a prison transport. "Then I want you by my side when the Resistance arrives." 

    "Of course." I dip my head, and he steps past me, running a knuckle across my jaw as he passes. A chill shudders down my spine, and I force my face into neutrality. He neglects to do the same, a short smirk tugging the corner of his mouth. Scoffing, I push Imrie forward with a shake of my head. 

    "W- wait? Are we- Where are you taking me?" He struggles, and I gesture for a stormtrooper to assist. "Stop, Hunter." He tries to wrestle out of my grip, but the stormtrooper arrives, grabbing his arm. I put my blaster away, but the soldier just stares at me. 

    "What is your designation?" He demands. 

    "I- Did you not just see my conversation with the Supreme Leader?" I hiss, gesturing towards Ren, who seems engaged in an important conversation. He doesn't pause, but holds up a hand, gesturing for me to 'deal with it' on my own. 

    "Do you have identification?" He asks, stretching his hand out. I pause. 

    The whole point of my job is to not be identified. I swallow thickly, opening my mouth to shoot a reply back, probably digging myself a deeper hole. 

    "That for me?" I feel a light hand on my back, and I make an effort not to jump. Instead I just nod. Ushar steps around me, grabbing the back of Imrie's neck, pulling him to the ground. 

    "Oh Ushar, please." I hiss, stifling a laugh as Bazzra wraps an arm across my shoulders and we nearly topple over. Once we regain our balance, she pulls her mask off, hooking the sheet of metal onto her belt and linking arms with me. "Bazzra, we're in public." I watch the stormtrooper retreat, and I snort as Ushar pulls Imrie to his feet.

    "Where do you want him?" Ushar angles his head, and I gesture behind us, where I now see the Night Buzzard's dark hull perched beside Ren's ship. 

    "I'll take him to the holding room." I say, grabbing Bazzra's sleeve. "You too." She grins, sharpened teeth flashing. 

    "Of course, I always like having fun!" She links her arm through mine, pulling me towards the ship. 

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