Thirty Six

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    "Sir, we have to dress your wound. You need to take your armour off." One of the nurses says, trying to gently pull me away from Kylo's bedside. I shoot him a glare, which seems to travel through my mask, giving him the hint. He steps away, bowing his head. "I will leave you be." He spares one last look to Kylo, who sleeps soundly in the hospital bed, before backing out of the door. Once we're alone, I place myself in the small chair in the corner of the room.

    Kylo lost a lot of blood on Pantora.

    It's been hours, and he hasn't woken.

    "Idiot." I snap, knowing he can't hear me. "You were stupid to pull the knife out."

    But I was the one who stabbed him.

    So is this my fault?

    He was going to kill Imrie.

    I close my eyes, not daring to deactivate my mask in case I fall asleep and a nurse walks in. Running after Imrie was hard. Seeing him run away while I laid on the forest floor was harder.

    I had to do it.

    I study the datapad in my hand. I blew my cover to get it back.

    No, I blew my cover to save Imrie. I'm sure the whole Resistance knows that Kylo Ren's shadow is Hunter Horne by now.

    Traitor to the Resistance, and now to her master.

    I set the datapad down, hoping to distract myself with the machines that ring in time with his heart. It's somehow comforting to know that I didn't kill him, though I know I'll regret it when he wakes up.

    I'm sorry for stabbing you. I think. Maybe he'll hear me in his subconscious and won't try and kill me.

I doubt it.

"Oh Numa." Bazzra skips into the room, immediately pulling off her mask. "What did he do this time?"

"I stabbed him." I tell her sheepishly. She laughs dryly.

"Yeah, we've all wanted to do that at some point."

"No, Bazzra." I stand, deactivating the sheet of metal around my face. "I stabbed him." She shrugs, though her eyes widen slightly.

"He's not dead." She struggles to keep her characterial nonchalance. After a moment she clears her throat. "You should go get some rest." She recommends. I don't have to use the force to know what she really means.

You don't want to be here when he wakes up.

"Yeah," I nod. "Good idea." The mask slides around my face and I nod to her as I step towards the doors. When they slide open, I step into someone who I really don't need to deal with right now.

"Ah, I figured I would find you here." He grabs my wrist, and I hear Bazzra stand from where she had just taken my seat. I turn, heart pounding.

"I'll be fine." I tell her, the barrel of Hux's blaster pressing into my stomach. My armour might be blaster-proof, but I'm not sure how it would feel to get shot at this distance. I don't want to find out. She nods, and I let the door close behind me.

"Come with me." Hux snaps, dragging me into an empty room. Immediately, his blaster is under my chin. "Take off the mask, Hunter." He sneers. "It's over."

My stomach drops, but I deactivate the one thing protecting my identity.

"General." I say carefully.

"Filthy pig." He hisses, the insult almost intimate. Chills snake up my spine, and he leans closer, blaster clicking as he loads it. "Give me a reason not to blow your brains to the moons." I bite my cheek, taking in a shaky breath.

He's serious.

Kylo. I think. Kylo, if you're awake I need you to listen to me right now. There's a pause, and I try to reach out once more. Hux is the spy. He's going to kill me. He's the spy, Kylo.

"Why do you think I didn't want to leave?" I force my voice to be calm. Thankfully, he seems caught off guard. "Ren wanted me by his side. I had the choice to die a coward," My throat is tight, and I feel sick. "Or to get as much information on him as I can until I can escape." I lean closer. "We're on the same side here, Armitage." I knock the weapon away, and he just stares at me.

"I-" He looks away. "I'm sorry, I didn't know-"

"Neither does the Resistance. I haven't been able to risk communication with them since my arrival." I lie.

"That makes sense." He mutters. "I can help you get in contact with them. I meet with one of the mechanics twice a month, and he relays my information back to the Resistance.

This is a whole operation. I realize.

    General Hux is a traitor.

    He's offering me something I would have begged for a few weeks ago.

    But I won't betray Kylo again. The remembrance of his lips on mine sends shivers down my spine, igniting a fire in my chest.

I hated him. Sometimes I still do.

    "Hunter," I suck in a breath at Ren's voice in my head. "Where the hell are you?"

THE HUNTOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant