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    "You're a good shot." Cardo observes, watching as I hit the target over and over again with my blaster. "Why didn't your stormtrooper chart record your competence with a blaster?"

    "Because I missed on purpose." I say, shrugging. "I'd been training to infiltrate the First Order for years."

    "What else are you good at?" Cardo asks, opening a cabinet on the far side of the room, revealing an extensive collection of weapons.

    "I can use any type of blaster, staff, or blade." I tell him, stepping towards the assortment. He hums, taking a black staff from the wall.

    "Can you back that up?" He asks. I shrug.

    "Depends on how strong I've gotten." I reply, shifting on my feet as he hands it to me.

    "Then we'll just do basic exercises." He says, taking another from the wall. "You don't need to overexert yourself through combat just yet."

    "Tell that to Ushar." I grumble, taking my jacket off and throwing it to the side. "Brute tried to kill me daily."

    "Yeah, his whole thing is the 'no begging, or slow death' idea."

    "I got that." I say, moving my feet into position. He does the same. Then he swings the staff towards my head.

    Immediately, my body  reacts, and I duck. When I come up, I jab the end of my weapon into his chest, knocking him back. He stumbles, but recovers quickly.

    "You're okay." He says. "I didn't expect that."

    "That's encouraging." I roll my eyes. He grins, swinging it towards me again. The same attack. This time I counter it, meeting him in the middle. I aim a kick to his knee, but he steps to the side, knocking me in the side of the head. Light sparks in my vision as I fall to the ground. I grunt, pressing a hand to my side, where a brace has been keeping my rib in place.

    "Ah, sorry." Cardo leans down to help me up, but I kick his legs out from under him. He falls on his chest, and I stand quickly, pointing my weapon at his throat as he turns to lay on his back. He laughs loudly. "Smart." He heaves himself up. "That was quick." He cracks his neck with a wince. "But in a real fight-"

    "My opponent won't care enough to help me." I finish. "But you did, and I won."

    "True." He nods. "You're small, clearly you know how to use that to your advantage and keep on the defense."

    "Okay, wow." I glare at him. "I'm not that short. You're just big." He lifts a shoulder in a half shrug.

    "My point is," He shoots me a look. "You can also go on the offense. Surprise your enemy."

    "I know how to go on the offense." I snap. "I've just never killed anyone." The memory of the slickness of Casius' blood on my hands, making my fingers stick together, pierces my mind.

    "You were a stormtrooper," He reaches down to pick up his staff. "Even undercover, you had to have killed someone."

    "My blasters were all faulty." I lift my chin. "And I'm a poor shot."

    "Oh yes, I'm sure." He chuckles, shaking his head. "How did you manage to stay undercover for so long?"

    Imrie's face flashes in my mind. His grin was what would keep me going as I walked along the carnage of countless Resistance aligned cities and bases, making sure not to hit anyone fatally.

    I don't believe in anything, never had any reason or proof. But when I was there, watching the unseeing eyes of innocents, I prayed to whatever is out there to not see Imrie's face among them.

    "Motivation, I guess." I say quietly.

    "Hunter." His voice is firm, and I look up. "I'm only telling you this because I see your potential and value for our group." He grabs my arm. "Guard your thoughts and expressions around Ren. If he suspects that you are still actively sympathetic and longing for the Resistance, he wil-."

    "I was born in the Resistance. It's my home." I snatch my arm away. "I have no intention of joining the First Order."

    "Don't let him know that." He says under his breath. "He'll shatter your mind, force you to kill your friends." Again, Casius' look of betrayal and horror twists in my chest. "I know there's someone you're close with. Someone you're doing all of this for."


    "That will be his first target." He clears his throat. "My advice? Forget them. Join us, and they won't be in danger."

    "I don't want to talk about this anymore." I say sharply. "I think I can handle what's best for both me and him."

    "So it's a he?" Cardo raises a brow. "A lover, perhaps?"

    "No!" My face heats. "No, he's just a friend." I lift my staff. "We should be training."

    "I thought you and Ren were becoming a thing." He muses, ignoring me. My stomach twists.

    "Me and Kylo Ren?" I feel sick. "No. Never."

    "I don't think he feels that way." He laughs as I grit my teeth, swinging my staff towards his head. He parries, pushing me back. "And I don't think he'll take kind to competition." My foot slams into his chest, and I push him back, gritting my teeth.

    "Shut up!" I dodge his swing, cracking my stick against the back of his head. "He's a monster." I grit, kicking him in the back. He turns, not even stumbling. A small cut above his eye is leaking blood, and horror fills me. I step back, and he laughs.

    "So are you, Hunter." He spreads his arms. "We all are."

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