Twenty Six

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For the first time, my mask is making it hard to breathe. I struggle keep pace with Ren as we follow the chaos. My staff is slung across my back, and my cloak is heavy on my shoulders.


"Kylo." He interrupts, shooting me a sideways glance as we race through the halls. "If we're friends-" He holds his arm out, stopping me from running into the path of a group of stormtroopers. "If we're friends, call me Kylo." My face heats.

"Okay, Kylo, don't you think that running towards the thing that made the ship shake is unwise?" He stops, grabbing my shoulders.

"We're running towards the hangar, where Resistance troops are currently pouring into this ship." He pulls me back into a sprint, and suddenly I'm glad for all the laps Cardo put me through.

"Why are they here?" I pant. "They're okay with leaving me to die, but they show up exactly where I am days later?"

"Hunter, your mantra was 'my mission is more important than my life' for years." He says. He's not even out of breath, but I'm struggling to keep up with him. "They clearly don't value their soldiers."

"Re-" I stop myself, my mechanical voice modifier crackling. "Kylo, do you think Imrie is here?" He clenches his jaw, and I regret my question.

"I hope not." He shoots me a look. "I don't want you to be put in that position."

"I meant it when I said you have my loyalty." I tell him.

"I know." He glances to the side, meeting my gaze. "But I don't want you to have to fight him." He grabs my arm, and the doors to the hangar slide open to show a scene that makes my gut drop.

I've seen war before. Been in the middle of it.

But I've never seen this kind of desperation.

The Resistance is on our turf. They've infiltrated our home, and we have nowhere to retreat to.

"What do we do?" I ask, scanning the room. The Resistance caught us by surprise, and they have the upper hand.

"You are going to stay by my side." He activates his lightsaber, deflecting a shot. "And we are going to clear this ship of your old friends." I nod, flipping my hood over my head.

    Old friends.

    Then it hits me.

    "Ren, Marc was ordered to kill me." I realize. "So I wouldn't be able to give anything up." He freezes, turning to me slowly. Several blaster shots seem to bounce off of an invisible shield. He seems to have placed his power around us. I have yet to ask him about it.

    "What?" His voice is hard. "Hunter, he was ordered to assassinate you?" I nod numbly.

    "I think so."

    The shield falls, and Ren reaches his hand out, lifting a soldier from where she hides behind a stack of crates. She drops her weapon, flying to us through the air until Ren's hand is wrapped around her neck.

    "Who is your commander?" He demands. She tries to kick at him, but he doesn't flinch. After a moment she cries out, and he drops her, the snap of her neck echoing in my head. "Poe Dameron is leading this attack." He says lowly. "That means he gave the order for your execution."

    "Then let them think he managed it." I say, pulling the staff off of my back, activating the blades. Immediately, I've become a threat. Ren is deflecting blaster shots as quick as he can as we throw ourselves into the fight.

    The first one who falls under my blade is a girl. She seems younger than me, but I have no guilt as I push her off my sword.

    I don't even look at the next one I kill.

    Or the next.

    Or the next.

    I think something wicked snapped in me when I realized what I am to the Resistance.


    I throw myself in front of Ren as he turns to cut through someone, and a shot ricochets towards him.

    "Let's not." Ren says, throwing out his hand. The blast turns to hit the shooter, who falls the the ground with a cry. "No sacrifices."

    "That's a good idea." I say weakly.

    I hadn't even thought about it before I jumped in front of him.

    I could have died.

    Then, I get knocked to my knees, and Ren gets swept away in the fight.

    "No!" He shouts, trying to make his way back to me as I stand. Almost as if it's a strategy, they keep us apart.

    A strategy to get me alone. I turn to confront the person who I know is going to attack me, but it's too late. I feel a blaster press against my back, and I stiffen.

    No, no, no, no, no.

    This can't happen.

    I know this strategy. I get taken away from the battle, interrogated, and then they shoot me in the back of the head.

    "So you're the Zilla." A voice hisses in my ear. "You and I need to have a chat."

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