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"Go make sure the wookie isn't free." Kylo orders as he helps me down from the top of his TIE-Fighter. I nod, but freeze when I see Rey. 


Granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine. 

But then I run towards the prison ward. I hear footsteps clattering towards me, and Hux's voice ringing through the halls. 

"I've shut down the impeders. You've got seconds!"

No, not now

I turn the corner, seeing the Resistance fighters I've come to know as Poe, Finn, and Chewbacca. They see me and freeze, but another person stumbles into sight. 


"Oh, General." I shake my head. "Why do you put yourself in these situations?"

"Hunter." Imrie has a hand pressed to his side, and he's panting. "It's not too late. Come with us."

"No, I'm quite content where I am." I hiss, pulling a blaster from its holster at my hip. "All of you drop." They hesitate, and I shoot near their feet. "I don't have orders to kill, but I won't hesitate." 

"You lied to me." Hux's eyes widen. 

"Really?" I angle my head. "You're daft if you hadn't figured that out yet." 

"You're one girl with a blaster, what are you going to do against all of us?" Poe demands, lifting his own weapon. I shrug. 

"I figure I could take most of you down in a few seconds, but do you really want to test that theory?" He pauses, and I take that moment to take my shot. Hux goes down, the hole I've planted in his chest smoking. Imrie's eyes widen, and I train my blaster on him next. "I've got an order of how I want you to fall." I snap. "Drop your weapons." 

Then there's an impact from behind me, and I fall forward, nearly shooting myself in the head. 

"Yes! BB-8!" Poe laughs, pumping his fist in the air. I reach towards where my blaster fell, but cry out as Finn steps on my hand. He presses the barrel of his blaster to my forehead, and I look him in the eye. 

"You don't have the guts." I hiss, noting the trembling in his hand. "It's harder to shoot when you're face to face, stormtrooper." 

"Shut up." He snaps. 

"Finn, come on!" Poe calls, already at their ship, which sits in the hangar. "Just shoot her! It's not worth it!" 

"Yeah, Finn." I grin up at him. "Hurry up." 

"I'm not a murderer." He says, angling his blaster to my thigh and shooting. I cry out at the sharp pain, but it does no lasting damage due to my bulletproof clothing. There will be a lovely bruise later, though. 

While I recover, he sprints toward the ship. 

"Yeah that's right." I groan softly. "Run away." 

Once my vision clears, I swallow and force myself to stand. Hux's unseeing eyes look up at me, and I scoff. It's about time. 

"Hunter." I turn, seeing Bazzra with her helmet in her hand. "What happened?" I stumble towards her, and she puts an arm out to catch me. 

"Hux betrayed us, so I shot him." 

"He was the spy?" Her eyes widen, and I scoff. 

"Yeah, but Kylo and I have known that for months." I rub my thigh. "What did you want to tell me earlier?" I ask. "Why did the others-"

"I can't say." She interrupts, looking away. "It wasn't important anyway." 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes!" She snaps. I lift my hands in surrender. 

"Okay, that's okay." 

"What happened here?" 

I turn, seeing Kylo. 

"Hux made his move. He freed Imrie and the wookie." I limp towards him, and he catches me in his arms. 

"Good riddance." He says, voice altered by his mask. I chuckle into his chest, and he pulls me tighter. "Bazzra, get the Knights together. We're going to the Endor System."

"Yes Sir." She replies, and I can hear her leave. 

"Where are you hurt?" Kylo's voice is dark, and he lowers himself into a crouch, pressing his hands to my legs. "No blood, that's good." 

"Just a blaster shot. I'm fine." I wince as his hand brushes over the wound. 

"Your armour is working fine, then?" He asks, angling his mask up towards me. I nod, feeling tears rise. My chest tightens, and I cover my face, trying to muffle a sob. "Hey," Kylo stands, lifting my chin with a knuckle. He uses his other hand to wipe away a tear. "What is it?" 

"I don't know." I cry, burying my face into his chest. He hums, sliding his hands underneath my legs and lifting me. 

"It'll be okay." He whispers, the sound cracking through his mask. "I'm right here." I nod, and he steps into a room, setting me down. "We need to leave soon, but I can send a blockade to keep them there until you're ready." 

"Kylo," I laugh, the sound hiccuping through me. "You can't just send a whole blockade when your girlfriend is sad." 

"Maybe not." He says, taking his helmet off. "But I would for my wife." He watches me warily, and I freeze. "That is, if you want." 

"Are you-" I look around to see if anybody is in here, maybe in on the joke, but we're just in a storage room. Alone. "Are you joking?"

"Should I be?" He asks. I laugh, lunging forward to wrap my arms around him. 

"No!" I hug him tightly before pulling back to kiss him. "Yes, I'll be your wife!" 

His face breaks into a wide grin, and he hugs me back tightly. After a moment, he reaches into his cloak, drawing out a small box. 

"Chava," He looks at me steadily, his large doe eyes capturing me and pulling me in as he opens to box to reveal a shiny black band with a silver line down the centre, circling around it. "I've had this ring with me for months, and we're nearing the end of this war." He swallows. "If I don't survive-"

"No." I push him away. "Don't do that. You're going to survive. We both are." I take his hand, pressing a kiss to the back of his leather glove. "We've made it too far." 

"But I've been practicing that speech in my head for weeks." He smiles, kissing me. 

"Just give me the ring." I say, placing my hand on the back of his neck. "I already said yes, you beautiful, stupid man."

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