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"Good work, Silnaa." A voice says from in front of me. I struggle, but my blindfold, gag, and binders make it hard for me to do much else but kneel where my captor pushed me into the hard, cold ground. "You did exactly as I told you to." 

"The mission was well-planned and flawless, Master." The man who took me stands beside me, hand on my shoulder to keep my down. Whilst we were in his ship, before he blindfolded me, he treated my arm, which surprised me. 

"Good, good." The voice is like gravel. Masculine and old. 

"What are we to do with her, Master?" My captor asks. "Kylo Ren will be searching for her." 

"I plan on it." The voice laughs, and chills rise the hair on the back of my neck. "Take her to the prison ward. Have some fun with her. Do what you will." 

"Yes, Master." My captor wraps his hand around my arm, yanking me to my feet. "Come on." He pushes me roughly, and I almost fall. 

He pushes me for several minutes in silence before I hear a door creak open. 

Not hiss, creak. We're not on a ship or a base. They don't have doors that swing open. It's inefficient. They take too long to open in case of emergency and are easy to get through in case of a lockdown. 

"Welcome to your new home, Hunter." He says, pushing me. I trip, falling to the ground, only to tumble down what feels like a dozen stairs, but as my blindfold slips off, I see it was only three. My breath catches as he descends the stairs into the dimly lit room. "Here, let me get that for you." He reaches down, pulling the gag from my mouth. "Sorry about the whole kidnapping thing." He lowers himself on the ground in front of me, sitting on his knees. He reaches up to remove his helmet, and I blink. 

He is a she. 

I assume this shock must have been similar as when Imrie or Hux found out who I was. She sets her helmet down in front of her, and she smiles up at me. "I'm Silnaa." 

"I don't care." I snap. 

"You don't have any interest in the person who stole you from your home, Chava?" 

"Chava?" I shake my head. "You must have the wrong person." I tell her. 

"So you aren't the lover and right hand of Supreme Leader Kylo Ren?" She lifts a brow. "You don't share his bed?" I frown, and she echoes the movement. "So is Kylo Ren having an affair with you behind her back?" 

"Kylo Ren is not having an affair." I snap. 

"So do you, or do you not call yourself Hunter Horne?" 

"I don't call myself that. It's my name." 

"No, your name is Chava Molho." She rolls her eyes. "I know who you are, you can drop the charade now, darling." 

"What are you talking about?" I pull at my binders, the metal biting into my skin. "My mother named and knew me as Hunter Horne." Silnaa stands up, and I flinch backwards, remembering the mystery man's words. 

Have some fun with her. Do what you will

I couldn't survive being tortured again. 

But I'd do it for Kylo

"So she never told you?" Silnaa asks, wringing her hands. I don't dare move, well aware of the quickly shifting moods and reactions of force-users. "She just ran and never looked back, huh?" She turns to look at me. "You said she knew you as Hunter Horne." She drops back into a crouch in front of me. "Why past tense?" I hesitate, closing my eyes. 

In my mind, I see my mother. Her hair curled around her face, almost beautiful if it weren't for the blood pooling around her, mirrored in her unseeing eyes. 

"I spent three months being tortured in the First Order." I whisper, not looking up. "I never broke." I turn my eyes upwards to her. "I won't tell you anything." 

She's silent for a moment, then her whole body shakes. I'm not sure if she's crying, laughing, or both, but she stops after a few seconds. 

"I'm not going to torture you, Chava." She looks back to me. "I just want to hear how my mother died without telling my sister who she really is." 

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