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It's been three days since we left Takodana. 

Kylo's been asleep the entire time. Bazzra promises that he's alright, that his body needs time to recover from his show of power. So I let him lay on the small, hard mattress that we'd share upon his awakening. It's hardly big enough to fit his towering form, but we make it work. 

To pass the time, I've been watching Imrie from the cameras installed in his cell. I've imagined a million things I could say to him, but I know that going inside that room would end badly. 

I flinch as the door opens behind me, and Bazzra walks in silently, a plate heaped in what looks to be d'il pyykkles is held aloft in her gloved hand.

"Hey." I say softly. She doesn't make a sound, throwing herself into the chair beside me and shoving a pyykkle in her mouth. "How are you doing?" 

"Well, my best friend was murdered, and my leader is currently in a comatose state," She glances up at me, eyes red and swollen. "So you tell me." 

"I'm sorry." I lean back. 

"Don't be. You were the one who skewered her." She offers the plate to me, and I pick up one of the pickled vegetables, taking a bite. "How are you doing?" She gestures to the cameras, which show feeds from every room in the ship, save for the refresher and the bedrooms. "Your boyfriend is the one in a comatose state, and your best friend is-"

"He's not my best friend." I snap. She lifts a brow, and I shake my head. "Sorry." 

"It's okay." She crosses her legs, rubbing her face. "We're both messed up, yeah?" 

"Yeah." I force a laugh. We sit in silence for a long while, or what seems to be a long while. "Bazzra, will he wake up?" I ask, voice shaking. She hesitates. 

"I- I'm not sure." She says. "He's never been knocked out this long before." She takes a breath. "Eti'ku ilar." Her voice is quiet. "It's all dust." 

"What does that mean?" 

"Hm?" She glances up. "Eti'ku ilar?"

"It's all dust." I repeat. "What- what does that mean?"

"It's an old term, Muchi." She waves her hand. "What's done is done, it all returns to dust." 

"Oh." I draw my knees up to my chest. "What- what will happen if he doesn't wake up?" 


"No, Bazzra." I snap. "Tell me."

"Well," She sets the plate down, turning her body to face me. "The First Order will dissolve into chaos. Ren hasn't set up a successor yet, so General Hux would attempt to seize power, battling with General Pryde for the throne." She lets out a breath. "The Knights of Ren would fall into a similar situation. The transfer of power between Rens is usually only done when someone kills the Ren and takes his or her spot. If the Ren's death is unrelated to a claim for power, then the Knights will scramble to claim the title." 

"Oh." I wring my hands, chewing on my lip. 

"That's not true." Both Bazzra and I flinch as Massif speaks behind us. 

"What?" Bazzra frowns. "This is how it's always been."

"I'm talking about Ren's successor." She snaps. "He chose her." She points at me, shooting a glare in my direction. "Over every competent candidate, he chose the rebel spy." She scoffs. 

"What?" I want to stand, hating the feeling of being inferior to her as she stands over me, but I'm frozen in place. "I- No, that can't be right." 

"He told me." She crosses her arms. 

"Why would he tell you?" Bazzra stands. "When would he tell you?" 

"He wasn't in my bed, if that's what you're asking." She shoots me a look. "He's been spending his nights with her lately." 

"What is your problem with me?" I find movement again, pulling myself out of my chair. "I've never done anything to you." 

"You're sleeping with my boyfriend, schutta." She hisses, shoving me against the wall. I freeze. 

"What?" Rage seeps through me immediately, alongside horror and confusion. "I- I didn't know." I feel tears rush to my eyes. 

Kylo Ren is a lot of things, but I always pictured him to be loyal. 

I always trusted him to be loyal. 

"Ex-boyfriend, Massif." Bazzra snaps. "He dumped you years ago." 

Immediately, all the rage I felt towards Kylo angles itself towards Massif. I shove her off of me, the tears releasing. I wipe my face, horrified that I could doubt him for even a second. 

"Don't touch me." Massif hisses, lunging towards me. I try to get out of her path, but she pins me against the wall again, hand wrapped around my neck. 

"Massif!" Bazzra's eyes are wide, and she stands. Massif throws her free hand towards Bazzra, who collapses. I cough, trying to tear her hand away from my throat as she tightens her grip. 

No, no, no. 

I kick my feet, and she hisses a laugh. 

"Oh how I've wished for this moment." She coos, eyes glinting. "I'll take my time here, Hunter." She promises. 

"Y- You killing me w-won't make him love you ag-" I force the words past my lips until her fist prevents any sound other than the cracking of my breath as I choke. 

"He still loves me." She says. "You're just a distraction." 


My mind turns to him, to the potentiality of me being able to give him one last message. Even if he's still asleep, maybe he'll hear me in his subconscious. 

Kylo, I love you

My vision fades into a blurred tunnel, and fighting seems like a stupid idea. 

Maybe I should just slip away. 

Faintly, I hear Massif's laugh. 

"You love him?" She cackles. "You stupid girl, you don't even know him."

I don't bother answering her as I close my eyes, feeling my fingers go numb. 

Maybe she'll take care of him. She loves him. 

She loves him. 

She'll take care of him.

She lo

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