34: Wilting Flowers

Start from the beginning

Despite his dreams, he knew that all she needed was a tight hug and a visit to her parents' house. Homemade food, loving arms, and the safety of being able to touch without getting hurt, something he couldn't give her.

"I love you," He sighed, begging himself not to cry.

There were so many things he wanted to say to her, so much to be done.

"I love you too, Grim!" She laughed, squeezing him. "Good luck on the job~"

Grim chuckled. "Luck doesn't have anything to do with it."

"Ooo! Confidence! Love to see it, love to see it—"

"Ha! Of course I'm confident, I'm so good at my job that I've done it accidentally!"

Immy scoffed. "Grim!"

"I'm right!"


She pulled away, beaming.

He looked at her, with her red face, dripping nose, scarf about to blow away, and lopsided sock cap.

She was goddess-like, and Grim wanted to kneel in front of her and beg her not to die.

"...Go on, now." He nodded towards the house. "Again, I love you."

"I love you. Um... bye." She was silent for a moment before laughing, "Have fun!"

Grim managed to form another grin. "Maybe I will, how do you feel about that?"

Immy huffed and turned away. "Dumbass."

He caught sight of her smile as she walked up the porch steps.

Since she couldn't see him, he pulled the bottle of Xanax out of his pocket and knocked some pills back, not caring enough to count how many. He tapped a button on his watch.

Immy turned back for reassurance, only to be greeted with a supposedly empty front yard. Grim smiled out of habit, but his face dropped when he knew she couldn't see him.

"I love you, mea vita." Grim whispered, hoping she heard it over the wind.

She knocked three times. She hugged herself.

After a few moments the door flew open, a woman looking just like her throwing her arms around Immy.

"Immalyn!" She cried. "What—how?"

"It's okay mom, I'm okay," Immy murmured, smiling. Grim watched a tear roll off her cheek. "I can't explain much, but..."

"I'm just so glad you're home...oh, sweetie..."

Grim smiled, letting his own tears fall. He teleported to his first destination and pulled off his gloves.

An old C-Barn on the edge of the town was one of Sam's hotspots. He teleported inside of the building so as not to alert the staff of his entrance.

He skimmed through the isles, not thinking he would find much, but he had to consider all of the possibilities. Sam could've been staff, for all he knew.

Maybe certain areas were teleport-proof? If magic was normal, then they must've prepared for it like the afterlife had. Although they made his life harder, Grim still knew how to get through the barriers.

He got to the back of the store and waited for an employee to walk through the staff door. It creaked, but Grim was able to sneak behind them just in time. He crept through the storage room, not finding much except a couple of teens vaping in a corner.

Wilting FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now