Jock 9 - Santiago

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The waiting in the hospital for Kev to come out of surgery was the worst. In a stark white corridor, with nurses and doctors running by every once in a while. Everything was so white, especially Zach's face; ever since we arrived at the hospital his face drained from the little bit of colour he had. I guess he's going into shock.

I should get him some chocolate, or some soda. I'm pretty sure I saw a vending machine at the other end.

Just as I was about to make my way down the corridor, Zach grasped my wrist in an iron grip "You are not leaving my sight." before his features softened "Please babe? Stay with me?" Looking at him with his big begging eyes, the ones I can't resist. "Fine, I will stay with you after I get you something with sugar in it. You are going in shock, you need the sugar." I gently pried his hand off my wrist and turned around to the end of the corridor where I thought I saw the vending machine. "NO." Zach grabbed me by the hips and pulled me onto his lap, I sat there straddling his lap when he buried his face in the front of my shirt and started shaking.

Doing the only thing I could; I hugged him tightly to my chest. "Kev will be fine, he will be fine. Don't worry the doctors are going to save him." After a few more encouragements, his shaking stopped and he just hugged me. Even though my knees hurt from the position they were in I would dare to move again; every time I did Zach would tighten his hold painfully tight on my hips.

I was relieved when a doctor walked past us, "Excuse me doctor?" that made the man stop in his tracks and look at us. "Would you mind getting me some chocolate or soda from the vending machine over there? He going into shock and won't let go of me so I can get it." I could see on his face he was going to reject it and just walk off. But he took a good look at us and saw our blood-covered clothing and the position we were in. "Are you two friends of the boy who was brought in a few hours ago with the shot wound?" Seeing me nod he came to a conclusion "Okay, I will get you some soda for him. Thank you very much doctor, how much do you need?" The man looked confused for a moment, "Ahh, no need to pay for it young man, this is on the house; the nurse who should be with you should have given you two something against the shock." He looked a bit angry when he saw there was no nurse anywhere near us, it took him a few minutes before he returned with a can of soda. His beeper sounded, looking at it, he excused himself and walked down the corridor and disappeared out of sight.

Opening the can of soda I held it to Zach's face "Come on Zach, drink some of this and you will feel better." He mumbled something under his breath but took a few good gulps, the result was immediate; the colour he lost returned to his white cheeks, and his eyes lost his dazed look. "Feeling better?" He blinked a few times when I drank the remaining bit of soda. "You know we just shared an indirect kiss right?" I looked at him before bursting into laughter; "I didn't think you would mind, seeing as we shared a few kisses before." Zach blushed a deep red, making me giggle. "So? How is Kev doing any word on it?" Sighing, I set down the empty soda can, "No not a word yet, they did call his parents, I guess they will be here soon. But Tom told me Carter will be fine; just a few bruises and a slight concussion and a bruised ego." That made him smile, "Maybe that will take him down a notch about his amassing fighting skills."

"How did we get here anyway? I remember walking with you on the way to Kev's car, but that's it." Clearing my throat "When Kev was wheeled off by the paramedic we decided to go to the hospital, but we came with Kev, and we walked to his car. Once there we found out it was locked of course, but before Kev was wheeled off to the hospital I managed to steal his car keys. So we got in the car, and I drove us to the hospital, you were out of it for a while and fell asleep. You woke up just as I parked in front of the hospital."

Zach made a noncommittal noise; something between a grumble and a sigh. "Zach! Santiago!" the high pitch of Shirley's voice startled us so bad I banged my knee against the wall. "Mom, dad, what are you doing here?" Shirley engulfed us in a tight hug, "We came as soon as we were called by the police. I am just happy you are all right, I also brought you two some fresh clothes." It wasn't until then that I noticed the two plastic bags she was holding. Wriggling out of Zach's grasp I stood up and held out my hand to him, "Let's go get changed somewhere." He stood up laced his fingers with mine and accepted the two plastic bags. Just then two police officers came down the corridor, one was the one who shot the guy with the gun in his hand, and the other must be his partner.

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