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*Friday afternoon*

"Come on Zach! Pass the ball around don't be a hero!"

I snort as the bellowing voice of our coach reaches my ears. Right don't be a hero Zach; pass the ball to the opposite team because there is no one from our team near you. Looking around I finally spot Kevin Sullivan; my best friend since kindergarten, and more importantly he is the only one who is free to pass the ball to.

Grunting as the opposite team's player purposely bumps into me, I pass the ball to Kev who immediately dribbles away with it closer to their hoop. Losing my marker and jogging after him I see the rest of our team lost their marker and are now free near the net. I grin as I see Kev coiling his body tight; a sure sign that he is going to shoot a three-pointer, something we need to win this game.

The ball just left Kev's capable hands as the number four of the opposite team crashes into Kev; making him lose his balance and crashes to the ground. The ball cleanly soars through the hoop the ref blows his whistle; a foul for the black number four.

Nice! Especially he gives Kev a free shot at the hoop; one he will not miss. I and the rest of the team have faith in Kev and it pays off. Just before the buzzer sounds" ending the match; the ball soars through the air and goes through the middle of the hoop perfectly.

Seeing the deflated faces of our opponents I let out a roar; startling everybody in my near surroundings with the volume of the sound. I tackle Kev in a bone-crushing hug; we finally did it! We finally managed to beat our biggest rival early in the season! In our first match, we crushed them with a score of 90-75!

Kev grins as the rest of the team rushes out onto the field to join our hug; tackling both of us to the ground. Not long after that, we were told to go and get ready for the ride home. All of us were singing out loud in the bus; the whole bus swayed from side to side because of us dancing around in it. We were dropped off at the school parking lot; most people had their cars there because all of us came to school in our own cars.

Still heavily in the winning mood people decided to have a celebration party at Melissa's house. Everybody cheered; whenever a party was held at Melissa's house I was most likely to end up in bed with her and now I am sure to make my move on her.

Eyeing her up and down before leaving I hop in my car to go home, I can't wait to tell my parents that we finally managed to beat our biggest rivals this year and so early in the season too! I was feeling good until I saw a police car standing in our driveway. Frowning I stare at the car, I don't understand it at all. Then the front door opens revealing mom, she looks for some reason as one of the cops steps out and walks up the three steps of the porch.

I see mom nod her head at whatever the cop had to say to her. The cop tips his hat at her as he is leaving; dad comes to stand behind mom probably asking what is going on. After the cops left I leave my car. On the porch, I join my parents "What was that all about?"

Mom blinks a few times be registering that I just said something. "Oh there you are honey, how was your game?" Grinning I say proudly "We beat them with a 15-point difference." Mom's eye widens as I say this kissing my cheek she murmurs "That's great news honey!" wrinkles her little nose "But before you do anything please go take a shower, you stink!"

I roll my eyes at her, I know I stink; I was planning on a shower as soon as possible. I need to get ready for Melissa's party. As I pass them on my way to the stairs, dad claps me on the shoulder; his way of saying a good job.

"We were just told that your half-brother is on his way here. Apparently, his mother and your father met before he and I did and that woman had a son. She was never to be heard from again. Until now that is, she was a druggie and died of an overdose, he has no family left there so he is coming here." I blink as I take in that information.

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