Jock 17 - Santiago

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Even though it was an accident, I was glad I was the one who made it. 

GOD! He looked so erotic, rocking his hips without abandon. 

I bite my lip as the mental image of Zach rocking his hips plops in my head. Having a hard-on in Mrs Carlos's Spanish class wasn't a great thing, if she notices you not paying attention; she will make you stand up in front of the class and read a whole page out loud. Something that wouldn't be very beneficial for me or the rest of the class. Unless they want to be scared for life. Because if she notices she will ask why I would be hard and that is not something I want to explain in front of the class.

Luckily for me and the rest of the class, the bell rang signalling the end of class. Sighing in relief I stuff my books in my bag and keep my bag in front of me to hide my hard-on. "So, you ready to pick up your naughty present for Zach?" Grinning like a madman, "Yeah I can't wait to see his face when he opens it." Looking at me curiously Jackson casually asked "So what would it be?" I laughed at the question, "I am not telling you." Ever since I asked him where would be the best place to buy sex toys, and I said it was for Zach he has been bugging me about what it was. 

"Why not come along and see for yourself, if you're that curious?" His reply was cut off by my phone buzzing, looking at the unknown number "Sorry have to take this one." Answering the phone "Tiago Fuentes speaking." After a slight pause, a female voice sounded "Ah, Mr Fuentes, Amy speaking from Sex kitten. Your package arrived today. Will you be picking it up here or do we need to mail it to your address?" 

That was quick! I only ordered it yesterday 

"Uh no, that won't be necessary, I will drop by later today to pick it up." We spoke a little longer regarding details and a time when I would be there. Hanging up on the phone I tell Jackson who I knew was dying of curiosity "It was the shop, I can go and pick up my package after school later today. Am very tempted to skip the last class now."

Standing in the lunch queue, I was still contemplating if I should skip my last class or not when Zach bumped me slightly. "What's with the serious look?" Blinking I was brought out of my musings "I was wondering if I should skip my last class or not." Draping himself around my shoulders "Why would you do that? You never skip class" Picking out my lunch; a sandwich and a bottle of water I paid before answering "I need to pick up something today and the store closes at six." Sitting down at a random lunch table Zach plopped down next to me and Jackson on the other side "What is it?" Zach asked munching on his own lunch. 

Smirking at his question "If I got a penny for every time someone asked me that question I would be rich by now. But for your information, it's something for you." He perked up, "Can I come with you? Now I am dying to know what it is." 

"You can't," Kev said "You promised the team to go over a new play." Zach deflated a little when he heard that. Squeezing his forearm, "Don't worry about it I will show you later tonight okay?" He still looked like a kicked puppy, "Come on Zach, I told you; you will be the only one I will show it to when I get it."

I was getting a bit nervous when I was standing in front of the shop door, not that it was intimidating or anything; quite the contrary the front of the shop fitted right in with all the rest of the shops that lined both sides of the little side street it was on. "Are you gonna go in or not?" Jackson asked, snickering lightly. I glared at him "Well excuse me, Mr I will waltz into any sex store. I have never done so in my life, so I need a bit of time to work up the courage." He laughed at me, "Are you saying that you; Mr tough gangster man is scared of going into a sex store?" Wiping tears from his eyes he shoved open the shop door and ushered me in. Gazing around the shop I saw several things I might buy in the future for Zach, a cock ring, a gag, and a pair of fluffy handcuffs. 

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