Jock 7 - Santiago

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Those are the first words that come to my mind as Zach moves away from me after kissing me. Very cautiously I reach up with my hand to the corner of my mouth where he kissed me. My skin tingles where his mouth touched my skin; it feels like it will never be the same again.

After a shocked silence, everybody else continued to exchange gifts with each other. I did too, but I still felt like there was this big mark above my head that read that my half-brother nearly kissed me on the lips. Then I think about the fact if I moved my head a few inches further to the right he would have kissed me on the lips. That thought made heat rise not only to my cheeks but also to my southern regions. That is not a good thing with family running around whom, are below the age of ten.

Seeing them stare at me with their curious eyes, I decided to save myself from more embarrassment and to have to explain why there is a bulge in my pants. "Who wants to go outside with me and enjoy the fresh snow?" All the younger children cheered as they ran around grabbing their coats, boots and gloves. "Are you coming?" I look at Zach and Emily; they just got around to exchanging gifts. Emily just shrugged; I guess she is not coming. "Sure, I will show you how to enjoy the snow," Zach says to me with a cocky smile on his face. For a moment I wonder if it is such a good idea to go outside with Zach in the snow. I decide to ignore the forbidding gut feeling, and pull on my own boots, gloves and coat and join the others who are already outside.

Once there I learn that Zach has taken the matter into his own hands and formed two teams. We are going to have a little snow war, so to make things equal Zach and I will both be captains of a team. My team consists of two twin boys of the age of five, a girl: Molly of the age of eight, and lastly Michael of the age of twelve. Zach's team consists of nearly the same type of kids with the exception of Michael's brother who is fourteen. So my team and I huddled together to decide what our plan of attack will be.

In the first round of our little war game, Zach's team is victorious. This means every member of my team is covered in snow. My team wins the second round, so we decide to have one more round to decide a winner. In the end, Zach and I decide it is best to call it a tie; every member of both teams is equally covered in snow. A few grumble, they say their team won, and others say they are hungry and sore. They all charge to the house when they hear that the freshly baked cookies are done. I am about to follow them when I feel a powerful tug at my back, making me lose my balance and land on my ass in the snow.

Dusting off the snow I bend over and scoop up a good bit of snow and shove it in Zach's face. I laugh as he splutters, and wipes the snow from his face. "You are going to pay for that!" he growls as he charges at me. Laughing I run away from him, I didn't factor in that we were in a part of the woods behind the house where the snow is deeper than my ankles. Zach obviously knew and caught up with me, shoving me face-first into the snow. After wrestling for a few minutes, we both lie on our backs on the ground looking at the snow that's coming down. Covering our tracks and us in a light blanket of fresh snow.

We lie in comfortable silence for a while when Zach clears his throat, making me turn to face him. Only to discover that our lips are only a few inches apart. "What are we going to do T? I can't stand the fact that I want to kiss you so badly, and when I had the chance I didn't." His voice is low and husky; making me shiver with desire. Licking my lips "There is no one other than us here right now, and if you want you can kiss me." Zach looks away from me, and for some reason, that stings. I thought we both wanted the same thing: I thought we both wanted to kiss each other, guess I was wrong.

Wouldn't be the first time that I would be wrong about how someone feels about me.

I let out a puff of air as I remember the first time I thought someone was in love with me. Turned out she didn't love me; she loved the fame that came with me. I turn my head and shake it to get rid of the negative thoughts and work myself up to a seated position. That is as far as I get before Zach grabs the collar of my coat and crushes our lips together.

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