Jock 19 - Santiago

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I was sad our little break together was over so soon. I wanted to do a lot more with Zach but school demanded both of our attention. Since this was our senior year, we had to do a lot of things and a lot more tests than ever before. So I was at least happy that we had some same subjects so we could study together for a few hours a day. Since Zach got word that he wouldn't be going to the basketball thing he had always dreamed of, he was depressed. He has been moping around for days now, and nothing I, mom or dad did could cheer him up.

After having witnessed his behaviour for a week I got fed up with it, so what he couldn't go to the basketball thing he wanted to? It's not like it's the end of the world. Apparently, it was for him, he had it all mapped out what he was going to do there and where was gonna end up. And when I asked him for his plan B he said he had none. That angered me even more "If you didn't make a plan B why go to all those colleges? Why pretend to be interested?" I shouted at him. All that time together was practically wasted because he wasn't interested. We didn't speak much more after that; eventually, mom and dad picked up on the tension that was in the room when we were both present. 

"Okay boys," mom said at dinner one night "I have had enough of this ridiculous situation with you both. I have decided that if you both graduate and get into your college of choice first or second" she continued with a stern look at Zach. "You two will be able to spend the summer holidays together at a place you both want alone for three weeks." Blinking rapidly I stare at Zach, three whole weeks alone together at a place of our choice. He stares back at me when the words finally start to sink in. Looking over to dad I could see he was just as gobsmacked as we were by mom's declaration, "Well only if it is within the reasonable price range of course." he quickly added.

Later that evening when I was in my own room doing some reviewing for upcoming tests. Zach entered, and he cleared his throat. But I still ignored him; I was still miffed at him for doing all that research on colleges if he wasn't interested in going. Sighing he pulled my chair away from my desk and straddled my lap "Look I am sorry for making you do all that college stuff and not being serious about it. It's just the basketball thing was such a big part of my life and now it's gone for good." He wrapped his arms around me, surrounding me in his mouth-watering scent. "I was still silently hoping they would accept me regardless." Understanding his hope of playing professional basketball crushed to the ground I slip my arms around him "Nobody said you couldn't play basketball at any other college, I mean the one where we met Audrey has a decent basketball team."

He looks at me quite shocked "What? Do you think I would advise you to go to a college where they don't even have a basketball team? Who do you take me for?" I say smiling. We stay seated like that for a while until my legs started to tingle. Telling me that most of the blood is being cut off. As much as I love having Zach like this, I like having my legs function too. I shake him a little "Babe, not to be annoying or calling you fat, but I'm losing feeling in my legs." Pouting Zach climbs off my lap, and I put away the stuff I was reviewing for the tests. It's not like I could focus any more on the subject anyway with Zach around.

"So," he said after he draped himself over my bed, "Did you think of a place we could go to for three weeks?" After I massaged some feeling back in my legs "I don't know, but someplace where they would accept us would be nice. A place where don't have to hide that we love each other would be even better." sighing I look at the ceiling "But I guess that won't be happening, seeing there is no real holiday place that does that." 

Zach perked up "I might have found a place that does that. But am not sure where it is. I heard that Amy from the store frequently goes there so she might be able to tell us something." I smirk as he lightly blushes as I flop down beside him on the bed "Are you sure you don't want to buy something instead of asking for information?" He blushes even redder and hides his face. I grin at his reaction "So there is something you want to buy there!" 

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