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hiiiii so i assume you read the last chapter so you will know what this is okay let's go


she has long brown hair with darker brown streaks in some parts of her hair, she's also pretty tall, a bit shorter than asher but taller then reiji, shes also taller than chishiya. she has bangs similar to the queen of spades but the side parts and more thicker as well as the bangs part

the side parts also have some darker brown streak in them, she has dark brown eyes with not very long eyelashes. she wears a black hood the sort of outlines her body with long sleeves and she is normally in her room or at the rooftop just so she doesn't get noticed that much.

she also wears bootleg cut jeans that are up to her waist and her hoodie ends at her thighs, the jeans are a darkish run down blue and she wears black shoes. the reason she doesn't get into trouble for not wearing a bathing suit because she's barely ever noticed and when she is, the people who noticed her doesn't feel like snitching.

she has trouble with understanding love and thinks what she's doing is normal. it's because her parents didn't really pay good attention to her and she learnt how to find her own way of affection. asher tries to help her but she claims she doesn't need it

she also has a slight crush on asher but she's blinded by the whole stalker thing she doesn't realise it yet.

she can be any skin tone you want her to be.

she can be nice but most of the time she hides it because she doesn't want to seem weak. she learnt off the saying "they feed off your kindness"

in reality, she's a good person but just decides not to be.


asher has brown hair but much lighter than '???', it's messy most of the time and he doesn't brush it much, but he still takes care of it and stuff. he's super tall, probably a little taller than niragi, so to asher, reiji is pretty short. asher wears a hawaiian shirt with a different shirt underneath pretty much like karube

asher can be any skin tone you want him to be.

he also wears jeans just like karube too. he doesn't get in trouble for not wearing a bathing suit for the same reason as '???' but he gets asked about why by some people and he gets noticed a little more than '???' too. asher cares a lot for '???' as she's been there for him before the borderlands

he tries to help her with understanding love but she doesn't allow him too, since she thinks it's normal. asher has a slight crush on '???' seeing as they knew each other before the borderlands and stuff but he tries to ignore it because '???' thinks she has a crush on someone else

asher is a nice person and he tries to be to '???' but not to much other people. reiji is one of the people who asher is slightly nice to but other then that he closes himself off.

reiji and asher and '???' started to become friends when asher and '???' threatened reiji, reiji joined them almost immediately and they had a lot more in common they they thought they did, so they are slowly becoming a trio


reiji has short black hair that was styled slightly like banda's hair. it was a little longer but yea. he has a few freckles across his face and one right below his lip. he has a sneaky kind of attitude and he's pretty short, he's slightly shorter then chishiya and much shorter than a lot of people

he can be any skin tone you want him to be.
before the borderlands, he got bullied for being cocky all the time but he pretty much did not care, he didn't really have many friends since they would usually get sick of him from being so 'mean' so that's kinda where he gets his attitude from.

he wears just a normal shirt and swimming shorts pretty much like every other guy at the beach. he wants to blend in and be like everyone else since he deep down, he hated being bullied. when asher and '???' threatened him, he agreed straight away because he wanted to feel helpful for at least one thing in his life

even though he's only started to be friends with the two for maybe a few hours, he feels he created a good bond with them and he actually feels slightly happy with them

he's noticed asher crushing on '???' and he can't help but feel a tiny bit jealous because he likes asher slightly. but reiji doesn't complain since he knows the two have known each other before the borderlands

he hides his emotions like '???' but in a different way, he uses his attitudes as his whole personality and doesn't feel that anything is wrong with it. he's never really had a breakdown and he just feels normal, like it's just who he was and he can't change that.


𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐁𝐋𝐄 | 𝘯𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘪 𝘹 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘺𝘢Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon