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chishiyas pov

i started to open my eyes seeing nothing but sunlight blinding me. i closed my eyes again reacting to the sun and i turned over so i'm not looking directly at the sun. i slowly open my eyes again and sigh. i was having a great sleep and now i want to die. god i hate waking up.

i slowly get up and rub my eyes, then i walk to my bathroom to have a shower and do all that other stuff. after my shower, i change into a hoodie and some shorts and i walk out of the bathroom. i put on my shoes and realise i forgot my phone, so i quickly went back to my bedside table and grabbed it.

i put it in my pocket and went over to unlock my door. i opened my door and closed it behind me, locking it. " um excuse me!! sorry but do you happen to know where a girl named momoka is?? " a girl with short hair comes up to me in a panic state and asked me.

" no sorry " i reply back. she nods and runs off still in her panic state, wonder what that was all about.

" hmm " i mumble to myself. i start to walk when i hear a notification from my phone. i check to see niragi texted me.

niragi: " hey are you up yet? it's like 11am "

chishiya: " sorry, i overslept. yea i'm awake now where are you? "

niragi: " main area "

chishiya: " okay i'll be there soon "

i turn off my phone and start to walk down to the main area. once i arrive i see niragi smoking in the empty hallways. he sees me and just stares at me while i walk over to him. " hey " he says to me.

" hey " i reply, not looking his way. " whatcha thinkin about? " he asks me, noticing me not talking or looking at him. " just this girl this morning. she asked me if i knew where a girl named momoka was and she seemed pretty afraid " i explain to niragi.

" hm, don't know " he says to me shrugging his shoulders.

" whatever, i'll try not to think about it " i say to him. he nods and leans against a pillar. he finishes his cigarette and throws it on the ground. " are you not capable of walking to a bin? " i ask him sarcastically, looking down at the cigarette bug on the floor, then back at niragi.

" someone else will pick it up " he says to me. i roll my eyes and put my hands in my pockets. i look around the room when i see two people walk in, one of them is wearing a blue shirt with some swimming shorts and the other is wearing black shorts and a pinky red jumper. i think they arrived yesterday and i'm not to sure but i'm pretty sure their names are arisu and usagi?

" oh, i heard hatter is going somewhere today, apparently to a game " niragi says to me. i pay my attention back to him instead of the new people and nod my head.

" hm okay " i reply. we stay in silence for a minutes until hatter gets on to the announcement floor and starts explaining to everyone how he's going to be gone for a day or two. there are some gasps and some gossip but hatter tells everyone that it would be okay and everyone to follow him.

they cheer and follow after him, making me and niragi follow too. we see everyone making lines on each side of the pathway and we see hatter waving goodbye to everyone in a car.

all of the people who are at the beach are cheering and waving to hatter while hatter is even blowing kisses to girls.

once hatters car seems to get out of view, everyone starts to walk back inside the beach and do what they were just doing. niragi and i spoke to each other just about random stuff and we even slightly laughed. after a while tho, we parted ways and i even become somewhat social for once.

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