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im sorry i forgot some stuff that happened that's going to be in the chapter so pls don't mind if i get a scene wrong<3
chishiyas pov

once i wake up, i feel my back against niragis chest and his head resting on top of mine, damn it niragi.. i also feel his hands around my waist. well what am i supposed to do now. i sigh and try to stretch my arms out and get out of niragis grip without waking him, but i am unsuccessful and i accidentally wake him.

" oh hey " he says to me, rubbing his eyes and slowly sitting up next to me. " why did you make me go closer to you? " i ask him frustratedly. " it wasn't me, you tossed and turned and you ended up like that " niragi explains to me. oh.

" oh. " i say to him while looking down awkwardly.

he chuckles to himself and after a minute, we decided to get ready. niragi went back to his room quickly to get some of his own clothes while i stayed in my room and changed into a hoodie and some shorts. before i got changed tho, i took a quick shower and did the usual morning routine.

me and niragi settled on meeting each other outside of our rooms when we were ready and once i was, i grabbed my phone and unlocked my door.

i walked out and closed my door behind me, locking it and i saw niragi waiting for me. " finally you took at least an hour " he said to me teasingly. " i was not even five minutes " i reply to him playfully rolling my eyes.

we both went back and forward while walking to the main area and to see what the day has in store for us. once we get there, aguni informs niragi that he has to kill some traitors. we say bye and i watch as he walks off. it has been little while and i started to get bored, so i decided to walk outside the back.

i find kuina on my way and she joins me to start walking. once me and kuina get there and step outside, we see arisu and usagi looking at the piles and piles of dead bodies in the big blue trash bins. " y'know, there are more secrets to this beach then you know. " i say to the two, making them flinch and look at me.

" l.. like what? " arisu mutters while looking back at me and usagi. " let's go to the rooftop to talk about it. " i explain and they follow after me, kuina leaves after seeing some food and going to go eat something.

we get to the rooftop and i put my hands in my pockets. " so.. what secrets? " arisu asks getting a little impatient. " well, as you obviously know, death to all traitors. but the leader of this place is hiding very important cards. it's our way out of here and they are stealing them to get out by themselves. " i say to arisu. usagi still somewhat suspicious of me.

" but i know a way to get the cards, a way for all of us to escape. " i continue while side grinning, facing arisu and tilting my head slightly. " how! " he asks with his eyes wide open.

" well...


we all sit around aguni, holding the paper that holds the code for the safe. i look him dead in the eye this whole time, he didn't look anywhere near surprised of anything. just dead like. not a thought behind his eyes.

i then look at the ring on agunis fingers. ' B O S S ' it reads out.

i see now. theres nothing on that paper is there? and the boss ring. that's the code. the meeting goes on for thirty minutes and through the whole meeting, i look at the boss ring only and think of possible codes.

8033? that wouldn't make sense, hatter once said in a meeting he hates double 3s. or maybe it is 8033.. hatter could just be fucking around? it can't be, the two S are facing the other way, if it was an 3 it would face the opposite direction. maybe.. maybe just maybe it's, 8022.

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