"So where'd you go?" She tries to shake off her disappointment but it doesn't really work. I don't answer her I just keep staring at the now empty space of where she once stood.

"You wanna go out? Get some food maybe?" Her tone dips into a slight hum.

Suddenly my body straightens and I look towards Himiko, finding her expressions dissolve entirely
"What did you do?" I ask calmly because ripping her apart right now wouldn't answer my question, it is the only reason she's still able to stand.

She frowns, eyes going dull as they bore into mine "I just asked if you wanted to get food Bane you could just say no like a normal person" her hands tuck themselves into the back pockets of her jeans, looking everywhere but at me and I swear, I swear somewhere deep in my mind a silent prayer just echoed for her "are you back together? Because if you are you could at least tell me" she moves up and down the step that separates the pavement from the street. "I missed you while you were gone, I know you don't think I do but you're wrong, I care about you Bane"

I move right for her, watching as she slams straight against the car trying to get as much space as she possibly can "that's the problem, there isn't a place on earth or hell you can crawl to that I won't get to so think, think very carefully at the next question I'm about to ask because if anything happens to her I will invent a new type of pain for you Himiko. What. Did. You. Do?"

Her eyes widen, no longer blinking as tears begin to trail "why do you love her and not me? Why is it that I find you always looking at her, always making sure you're near enough just incase something happens WHY NOT ME!"

"It's no one"


"It's her above all else, it's no one but her, it's her over every person on the damn planet and everyone seems to understands that but you. You're the joke, the reason you'll never understand the answer to your own question because when you stare at the very reflection of yourself you'll find that you're completely empty of life, a hallow hole, while she's the definition of mine" I grow closer to her "did you finally get that this time, or do you feel like wasting a couple of more to the ones you already lost?"

She stills, her eyes tracing past my lips that just muttered the very words she's trying to forget and she is, in fact trying to rid herself of them because her head begins to shake. Tears streaming down her red face "go ahead then, kill me, or I should better say you can try. Sometimes I think you forget I'm not one of your defenceless little whores" she smiles, she actually smiles at me "she's probably dead by now anyway but hey, you're more than welcome to jump in front a buss if you'd like, you know, seeing as the two of you are so connected and all"

My skin crawls like it's not meant to be on my bones, like I need to rip it off. I sigh, twisting my body as my elbow connects with her temple knocking her body completely unconscious. I catch her, throwing her into the very same car she was just pinned to before sprinting through the lobby and into the stairwell of hundreds of stairs. I don't think I took a single breath while running up them, I don't even remember stepping on a single stair to begin with, all I can remember is slamming through the staircase and throwing myself into her hallway. With my heavy eyes I find her door instantly, it's closed and nothing seems out of place and so it's the only reason I set my head against it, letting my chest cave into the very much needed oxygen that I can't get enough off. As my breaths finally have had somewhat of enough oxygen everything grows quite, only the sound of a shower running and a certain someone humming to a song I know all too well reaches me. But just as I could smile my head snaps towards the ding from the elevator, I can only wait and watch as the golden numbers begin to light, climbing higher and higher and personally I'm not about to stick around to chance her safety. I enter her room without another thought, looking around for anyone else that could of potentially gotten here before me but it's empty, just the continued running of the shower while the steam seeps through the slightly ajar door.

Into deceptionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum