Diary: Chapter 40*** Heart to Heart

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"Why didn't everyone else get flowers?" - I whispered in Milind's ears as we approached the doorsteps of Shruthi's house.

"Because flowers are expensive and I didn't have pocket money left after yesterday's party." - Milind replied animatedly.

"How will it feel, if only I carry flowers in my hand? What will her parents think?" - I was nervous. The Gulabjamun incident was fresh in my mind.

"Here, you carry them." - I shoved over the bouquet of pink and white roses in Jincy's hands while getting into her house.

Luckily her father was not in the house and her mother was too busy to notice me in the crowd of 5 friends.

"Ulle Pongu - ( Go Inside)" - an old relative sitting in the living room instructed us.

I was the last one to enter with a pacy heartbeat and found my angel curled up in the bed under a pink and white quilt.

Her eyes shined to see me, I noticed.

"Avi, what a surprise." - She exclaimed while receiving the flowers from Jincy.

"Avi, selected these flowers, especially for you, and see, they are matching your bed too." - Milind blabbered.

I showed my eyes to him, but at heart, I was happy that he mentioned that.

My happiness was short-lived. Jincy and her classmates consumed her attention conversing about the classes, lab, and other gossip.

I converted that as an opportunity to gaze at her beautiful face. Yes, I could do that, We had come there to see her. Isn't it?

Though she had reduced weight, her eyes look sad without Kohl, her hair disengaged, and her forehead without the small black bindi. But my heart was filled with joy thinking, that I will wake up to this Shruthi every morning all my life.

I must be staring at her so badly that she moved her sight toward me while still answering questions from her friends, causing me to lose a heartbeat there.

Her maid entered the room with juice glasses. While sipping juice, I signaled at Milind.

"OK Shruthi mam, I need to leave. There is a xerox shop near your house, and I need to get Mahesh Rao's notes and sample papers for 3rd and 4th year from there. " - Milind said with posed innocence.

"Mahesh Rao's notes? For real?" - Jincy and others exclaimed

"Yea, you guys don't know? There is a secret shop in 12th Main, he smuggles the latest notes of Rao and sells the xerox version of it. He will even give a huge discount if we buy in bulk and do xerox in his shop itself." - Milind said. He had already arranged everything with a known xerox shop in Malleswaram.

"Do you mind if you get 4th-year notes too for us?" - Jincy asked.

"Oh, he doesn't give in bulk, we need to go individually and select what we want." - Milind was smart for sure, I thought.

"OK Shruthi, is it ok if we go with Milind?" - Jincy asked SHruthi

"Yea, and if they are worth it, let me know. I will be needing a copy too." - Shruthi said.

"How will I carry this heavy bag all the way" - Milind pretended, showing his luggage backpack. "Actually I am traveling directly from my hometown, so didn't get time to keep it back in the hostel room."

"Avi, is it ok if you wait here, with my bag? We will be back in 15 to 20 mins max?" - He acted

"Absolutely, take your time." - I told him, looking into Shruthi's eyes.

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