Diary: Chap 3*** First day

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My first night in the hostel was not as ominous as I had feared until I heard a horrifying sound... a boy shouting while beating drums...and bells...

"Ting Ting Hey... Hey Hey ...

Ting Ting Hey ...Hey Hey"

"What the heck..." I almost shouted

As my sleepy head returned to alert mode, I realized that the chaos was Joydeep's 5:30 AM alarm...

He took his toothbrush and soap case and hurried to the washroom. Within ten minutes he reappeared, grabbed a textbook and the syllabus booklet, and rushed outside the room. In his haste, he didn't even close the door behind him...

As only my head was outside the blanket, the cool breeze of October filled the room and ran through my hair...

"Ahhh! Absolute bliss!!!" I murmured while stretching my right arm outside the blanket...

I peeped outside the door and saw Joydeep in one corner covered with a shawl...engrossed in books...

"Daaaad!!! You got no one better than this cartoon to put me up with?" - I grumbled

As my sleep was disturbed and anxiety didn't allow me to snooze back. So I got ready early and left the hostel to explore the college campus on my own...

I slowly walked through the college building blocks – Information Science, Electronics and Communication, Civil, Mechanical, I wondered how would have been the life of engineers who have come out of these walls...

The campus slowly filled and within an hour the whole campus came to life with the energy of youth. I jumped down from the wall of the 2 wheeler parking lot and started walking towards my classroom. But as I entered, two guys came rushing outside the classroom. One of them held my shoulder and said

"Hey, we are going to get chalks and dusters from the stock room. Can you go to the staff room and call Vadivelu sir for chemistry class without any delay?"

They rushed downstairs before even finishing the sentence. Understanding the urgency I too rushed with the same pace towards the staff room.

"Who was it again?" Vadivelu... It will be hard for me to remember South Indian names, more than engineering Subjects." ~ I wondered.

There was one male and two female teachers sitting in the staff room. I looked at the dark thin, only male teacher sitting there and asked innocently - "Are you Vadivelu, sir?"

Both female teachers looked at me and broke into a burst of laughter. Sir got up from his chair and shouted at me with angry red eyes.

"You bloody rascal! What do you think of yourself? I'll screw up your life... Your career ... Get out of here ... Bloody rascal..."

I came out of the staff room in confusion... and saw a few guys standing outside our classroom, laughing uncontrollably. I found Joydeep standing in one corner, smiling. I caught him by the collar and asked what was wrong...

"You have fallen prey to seniors' prank... Vadivelu is the name of a South Indian film comedian and seniors tease our chemistry sir by calling him Vadivelu as he resembles him. His real name is Nagraj" he smiled and explained.

"Oh No!!!" ~ I grunted

"And to add to your agony, he is also our hostel warden" ~ he further said.

"I almost fainted..."

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