Diary: Chapter 35*** Myway- Highway

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So I agreed but on conditions...

First I took the bike to a nearby service station and got the pavilion bike seat fixed for an extra seat cushion, backrest, and armrest. Then stopped at the next bike showroom and bought the best protection jacket, kneepads, and helmet for Pallavi.

"Enough, I can't even breath." - she exclaimed, as I zipped her jacket to her neck. But my angry stare stopped any of her further protests.

Once I was fully convinced that she is safe and comfortable, we started our journey. I kept my driving speed in check.
But once a scooty driven by a senior citizen zoomed past us, Pallavi complained - "Seriously? For this speed, you stuffed me like this?"

I ignored her gibe!

"I feel like Mr. Bean sitting on top of a car and driving around the lanes of London. Everyone is staring at me." - She further complained.

And I ignored it again.

"OK listen! I will be silent for the whole journey if you do one thing for me." - she said

I applied break abruptly and asked - "What is that?"

~ I was ready to do anything for silence.

In another 10 minutes, we stopped at the Amman Kali temple.

She hopped out of the bike before I could actually park properly and rushed inside, handing over her helmet to me. I was amazed to see a girl born and bought up in the USA, crazy about visiting temples in Tamil Nadu.

As per the protocol, she prayed at the shrine of Ganpati and Karthikeya before moving into the inner sanctum of the devi and I tried to keep up with her.

Temple was pretty small in comparison to the huge Thillai Natraj temple complex, but as we stepped into the temple, I felt a strange positive aura around me.

Pallavi spoke to some ladies around, bought a plate full of vermillion and lemons, and handed it over to the priest. It was spooky to see the priest doing the ritual of offering Red Sindoor powder to the Red-colored ferocious Goddess Kali. As he moved the  fire as an offering around her face, I felt as if there is a real divine-human facade with eyes opening and shutting with the movement of fire around her face. I looked at Pallavi, she was witnessing it all with wide-open eyes and an archaic Smile.

After finishing the rituals there, we moved to the main temple sanctum. It was graced by the presence of the calm version of Kaali with a charismatic, mysterious smile on her face. I just kept staring at the idol without blinking my eyes. By the time we finished praying there, I felt as if all my anxiety and anger had dissolved into water droplets.

We were walking out of the main chamber of the temple when Pallavi whispered in my ear - "It is a tradition in South India to sit in the temple for a few minutes before leaving."

 Without any protest, I sat down there, in front of the deity absorbing all the goodness of the temple.

As we were about to leave, Pallavi asked - "Do you know the story of this place?"

I shrugged.

"Thousands of years ago, there was a dance competition between God Shiva and Goddess Kali at Chidambaram temple. Yes, the same temple where we were yesterday. It is said that Shiva tricked and won the competition.

Kali got upset as she felt that the lord won by unfair means and in anger came down to this place and settled. So it is a must to visit this devi temple while visiting Natraj at Chidambaram. " - I was listening to every word of her with the utmost attention.

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