Diary: Chapter 46*** Came Closer!

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Once my cast was removed and the physiotherapist gave a nod, I moved out of Pallavi's house.

Though Pallavi's family made my stay very pleasant, in fact, more comfortable than my own home but sometimes I felt guilty. I wondered what I was doing there. On one hand, I had broken their daughter's heart, and on the other hand, I was enjoying the luxury of their love and care.

Since dad had already arranged a furnished apartment, I moved in as soon as I was on my feet.

Milind, Joy, and Pallavi helped to set up the studio apartment with rest of the necessary amenities and we had a grand celebration, once I moved in.

Though I always dreamt of staying alone somehow even after moving into one, didn't let me feel so. My apartment was always crowded with friends or maids, who came as per the instructions of my parents. And made sure that I live hygienically and get home-cooked meals 2 times a day.

It was clouded Sunday morning and I was deeply focused on Xbox, trying to beat Pallavi's score in the game "The Secret of Monkey Island" when the doorbell rang.

"It's unlocked Pal, push the door harder." - I shouted at top of my lungs as I didn't want to get up.

"How do you always know that it's me on the door." - She asked while nosing around the kitchen as soon as she entered.

"Just like you always know what I am up to." - I joked.

"Hmmm, Yea and I also know that you can never beat my score." - She said carelessly while opening the balcony door and watering the plants she had planted herself, the day I had moved there.

"What is the purpose of your visit to this shack, O Divine Celestial being?" - I asked sarcastically.

"Simple, today is Sunday. I knew your maid won't come. So got homemade parathas for you." - She said while pointing toward the hotcase she had kept on the table.

I paused the play abruptly and pounced at the dining table while Pallavi started keeping the papers scattered on the table with care.

"What is this? USA Visa approval papers?" - Pallavi said with astonishment while looking carefully at the papers.

"Oh, yea! Dad forced me to apply as he wants me to meet some people for business expansion purposes and Mom wants me to start applying for MBA there." - I said carelessly while stuffing my mouth with Aaloo parantha.

"And when were you going to tell me? We could apply for schools together silly!" - she said with excitement.

"Yea! let's see. I haven't decided yet." - I dismissed.

"Oh we can have so much fun there I will take you to all my favorite places, I will show you the house I grew up in. And you know my Bangalore dance school has a couple of branches in the States? All I need to find is MBA schools around the dance school"- She was talking without even breathing

"Hold your horses, It's just a visit visa, I haven't thought about higher studies yet." - I said

But Pallavi was already on my laptop, researching, making up plans.

"You don't have a dance class today?" - I asked, trying to divert the topic.

"Everybody is rehearsing for the Annual day function, which is on next week at Kalakshetra. So no normal class today." - She said without looking at me, still engrossed in worldwideweb.

"& You are not performing?" - I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I am just not inspired. I tried a lot but I am not able to compose." - She said while mindlessly rubbing dust off my laptop monitor.

"Compose what?" - I asked while swallowing the last bite of food.

"I mean choreograph. I am given an opportunity to perform semi-classical fusion, for a wider audience. And I am just not able to. No Song is inspiring me." - She said.

"Hey, you know what, yesterday I stumbled upon an instrumental, you might like." - I said with sudden excitement.

"Remember how you talk about Krishna and your longing for love for him? When I heard this music for the first time, all I could think about is you. "- I said while passing my iPod and earphones to her.

https://www.jiosaavn.com/s/playlist/66a769a1daf1b102104b8e6ad3fa2597/Mohana/MHQKN6Q4zj0rZqI-DFN-4Q__ [Please Play this song at the background while reading the rest of it, for better feel]

She inserted the earphones, folded her legs up in the chair, rested her head on them, and closed her eyes.

She slid her index finger to increase the volume so high, that I could hear the music leaking through her earphones.

I tried to be patient but I was eager to hear her review of the song but she just kept repeating the song.

After repeating the song thrice, she stopped abruptly and asked for the Aux cable to play the song on the desktop speakers. I got busy setting it up while she moved to the balcony and started with the traditional salutations before Bharatnatyam dance.

I started the music and could feel that she was in trance. I had a feeling that I was going to witness a lifelong memory.

I frantically looked for my digital camera to record her and replaced the old SD card as it was out of memory. I rushed out to the balcony to record the moment.

It had started raining...

The atmosphere got filled with the music,  the cool wind,  rain, and Pallavi's dance. I just felt as if I am exported to a different realm altogether.

I am no expert in classical dancing, but I could understand her language so well that day. I could feel how love for the divine can transform a human and take to the ultimate happiness.

She expressed that sometimes she was happy to see her divine love with her.

Sometimes she had complaints about him.

she expressed that her love for him is the most beautiful love.

Love in pursuit is the only divine love, the most beautiful experience one could ever feel.

It started raining hard, and as the tempo of the Song increased, Pallavi was in full flow. Water started coming inside the balcony and I was afraid that Pallavi will slip and fall.

On one hand, I was worried about her fall, and on the second hand, I did not want to stop her. I thought of moving near her and keeping a watch, while still recording her dance steps from the best possible angle

But to my dismay, I myself slipped and at my fall, caught Pallavi's hand, unbalancing her, making her fall over me.

Pallavi was breathless and did not make any effort to get up from my chest and I too did not make any move to get away...

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