A Perfect Night for a World so Fake

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He was beautiful.

Obito had stopped in the doorway of the bathroom with the tea, but couldn't help but pause and marvel at his mate. Kakashi was dozing in the bath, eyes closed peacefully, face bare of his mask, all for Obito to see. It made him feel guilty that Kakashi didn't even know who he was. That he was keeping such a secret, but the Obito of Kakashi's childhood no longer existed.

He was dead and would remain that way until the new world was ushered in.

The problem was, there was now a big complication to his plans. Obito had thought things were complicated enough having bonded to Kakashi, but now Kakashi was pregnant with his baby. Of course the Hokage and his council had fucked over Kakashi once again. They still hadn't finished abusing Kakashi, even after all these years.

They would tear Kakashi apart long before it was his time to pass on from this world. Kakashi would never reach his forties at this rate, never mind become an elder.

But Obito wasn't surprised either. Of course the council would do this. In fact, Danzo was probably the one to bring up the idea. It was a shame he couldn't just gut all of them right now for hurting Kakashi, but those four were always a fantastic opportunity to deal deadly blows to Konoha. No, Obito would remain patient. He could avenge everyone whose lives have been fucked over by the council once he stopped having a use for them, but for now they were good at making people suffer.

It is what brought Itachi to him. They made him kill the Uchiha, and now one of their most powerful ninjas was working for him. Of course Itachi was going to have Sasuke kill him one day but for now he was a good pawn to have.

"I can hear you thinking from here," Kakashi said, opening up his grey eye to meet his gaze.

Obito refocused his attention on Kakashi. "Sorry, here, I made you tea." He brought it over, handing it to Kakashi.

"Thanks." Kakashi sipped at it before closing his eyes again. "Thinking about the baby?"

Obito sat at the edge of the bath, and couldn't help but brush Kakashi's hair back. "In a way. How are you coping with all this, Kakashi?"

Kakashi blinked slowly at him, a calculating look in his eyes. Obito sighed at it. "I want an honest answer," he said firmly.

Kakashi huffed, looking away. But he seemed to take the time to think over his thoughts, before sinking further into the water. "I don't know. I'm shocked and horrified that the Hokage just let the council do this. He's usually kinder-"

Obito snorted down a laugh.

"What?" Kakashi glowered.

"The same man who had children graduated early from school and sent them to fight in a world war?" Obito laughed bitterly, ruffling Kakashi's hair. "He may have a nice smile and warm demeanour, but he's a cold, calculating bastard inside. He likes to think he isn't, which is why he lets Danzo do all the dark deeds, but he supports them."

Kakashi squirmed. "That's not- How do you-"

"Shh," Obito hushed, tugging at the silver strands gently. "No need to think too hard about it. They don't like their ninjas thinking too much, gets in the way of people obeying them mindlessly."

Kakashi glared.

Obito smiled fondly. "Go on," he insisted. "Finish your thoughts. How are you coping with everything?"

Kakashi grumbled something unflattering, but Obito paid it no mind. "As I said, I'm shocked and horrified, but I don't want the baby to be hurt... I've... I've hurt so many people already-"

Obito cupped his face, brows furrowed. "Kakashi-"

"I've hurt and killed so many people," Kakashi spat. "And somehow the Hokage saw fit that I would make a good teacher. I'm nothing like my old sensei. He was kind and gentle and-"

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