Of News and Pups

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The teamwork was getting worse again.

Naruto was acting like a little shit. Sasuke was acting like a smug little shit. Sakura was currently Kakashi's favourite, all because of her blessed silence.

Sakura was a good pup.

Naruto meanwhile was messing up every mission he was on. All because he kept trying to impress Sasuke and show him what a tough Alpha he was. Sasuke who was clearly not interested in listening at the moment and wanted to sulk in a corner, or insult Naruto and Sakura.

Kakashi wanted to shock them all, but Kurenai insisted that wouldn't help, he'd probably just injure them soon. Izumi helpfully reminded him he could dangle them all from trees, and once again Kurenai said that wouldn't help. She insisted he sat them down to talk. Okay, sure, he might be losing his grip on his temper, but it wasn't entirely his fault. Not really Mr. Kidnapper's either. Oh no, it was all the bloody council's fault.

He still hadn't reported his results to them, and it had been over a month since he had been rescued by everyone. They kept asking, but Kakashi was being evasive. He was determined to look the picture of health in front of them just to mess with them.

Yeah, he was feeling a bit spiteful at the moment.

In fact, he was feeling so spiteful that he was telling everyone but the council first. Hopefully that riled them up, the bastards.

"Right," Kakashi drawled. "Well, I think I finally better tell you three some important news."

They had been walking along, getting ready for the next mission, but Kakashi stopped them outside a restaurant with outdoor seating.

"Take a seat, I'll grab some drinks," Kakashi said.

The pups made confused noises but Kakashi ignored them. He went and bought some teas and handed one to each pup, before sitting across from them.

"Well, you know I was captured just over a month ago," Kakashi reminded them.

"Yeah, by that strong Alpha!" Naruto shot to his feet, fists up. "Did he come back? Get out here! I'll kick your ass!"

"No," Kakashi sighed, grabbing the back of Naruto's shirt when the pup threatened to charge off aimlessly. "He's not back. But he left me with something..."

Sakura got it first. She gasped, cheeks flushed, while Sasuke blinked at her for the reaction. She whispered in his ear, all while Naruto stared at Kakashi, eyes narrowed, studying him closely. It took Sasuke a moment to catch on, and he began downing his tea like it was a shot of alcohol.

That was a worrying reaction.

"Left you with something?" Naruto blinked then wailed, gripping his hair in panic. "An injury? Is it life threatening? Are you dying?!"

"No!" Kakashi scowled.

"Naruto!" Sakura huffed. "Haven't you noticed? Kakashi Sensei has been sick, his moods keep changing, he's back and forth when it comes to bathroom breaks and he always tired, all after he spent his heat with an Alpha. So that means..." Sakura raised a brow expectantly.

"That Alpha injured him badly?" Naruto offered, throwing Kakashi worried looks. "Which we have to fix?"

"By the Sage..." Sasuke groaned. "I managed to get it after Sakura's hint, yet you can't?"

"I'm pregnant, Naruto," Kakashi said blankly, hoping he was not about to have to explain sex.

Otherwise he was dumping Naruto on Iruka.

"Oh, right!" Naruto laughed in relief. "You aren't injured then, you're just pregnant. That's such a relief..."

Naruto froze on the spot, eyes wide, and Kakashi gleefully watched the freak out happen.

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