Surprise Visit

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Obito ran his hand through his hair, tugging on the strands. His Alpha whined, over and over again. It had been too long. But Kakashi's Omega, they would have sensed Kakashi needing them through the bond mark. But he still hadn't had his heat.

It was hard to concentrate. He wanted Kakashi. To taste him. To feel him. His warmth with our own-

Obito cursed his damned Alpha.

He could feel Kakashi's heat brushing his skin. Obito could even hear his moans, and knew it was his Alpha focusing on their time at the inn with Kakashi and his Omega.

Obito glared daggers at the blood sitting in front of him, the wood user's blood. He was supposed to be trying to make Zetsu stronger, but he could barely think at this rate.

"You seem a bit agitated, Tobi. Is it because you haven't had your mate yet?"

Obito scowled, but White Zetsu merely smiled at him.

Black Zetsu however scoffed. "Why are you waiting then? If your mate is annoying you then go take him. He won't put up too much of a fuss if he's your Omega."

"I'm not just going to pin him to the nearest wall and have sex with him," Obito sneered. "But I am agitated. I can't feel his heat. Kakashi's Omega half should have called for me by now."

"Then you should go see him. Maybe he's ill right now and is too tired to process his heat," White Zetsu said.

"Or maybe he found another Alpha to satisfy him since you took too long," Black Zetsu mocked.

"I'll kick your ass," Obito spat.

"You should go enjoy your mate," White Zetsu insisted. "We'll keep up the experiments with the wood user's DNA."

"You Alphas get so riled up when you can't have your Omegas," Black Zetsu sneered. "Madara used to be the same way when it came to Hashirama, but they always had to fight first."

"The point is," White Zetsu said. "We understand your need. Your mate will distract you, just as Madara's did. They are your other half. So we will handle this and tell you the results later."


Obito disappeared from the cave, because, alright, Black Zetsu's mocking was driving his Alpha insane. It made him want to tackle the bastard and tear him to shreds with his claws. Thankfully he wasn't feral though, and that he had good control over his Alpha half, so Black Zetsu remained safely whole.

The only time he had gone feral was when the Mist murdered Rin.

He debated for a moment, then decided it would be better to just visit Kakashi. Maybe his Omega was ill, or injured. Kakashi's emotions had been rather spontaneous these past few weeks. He was either grouchy, smug or happy, and sometimes those emotions changed in an instant. So he could be loopy from pain medication after a rough mission.

Yeah, better to check on his Omega then.


"So you want me to live with you and Sasuke?"

Izumi smiled. "Yep!"

Naruto tilted his head. "Why?"

Izumi wrinkled her nose at the apartment. "Because your apartment is a wreck, you have old, mouldy milk and most of, if not all your food, is out of date."

"But why now?" Naruto frowned. "Why do you want me to suddenly live with you now?"

Because Shikaku had asked Izumi to keep Naruto safe since they were getting close to the blackmail stage. Besides, it was no good being alone in your apartment.

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