A Fever (long oneshot)

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Hunter woke up he took off his blanket and he was sweating a lot, he got up and his head crazy it felt like he was being punched in the brain "ugh...." he had ringing in his ears and couldn't hear his own breathing and when he tried walking it hurt even more but he wanted to see Willow and his friends so bad..he wanted to hug Willow.. "Hun- holy titan!" Darius placed his hand on his forehead "Hunter your burning hot let me go get the temperature." "Noo..." Hunter tried to move but couldn't so he forced himself to deal with it he grabbed clothing and took a nice warm shower he didn't want to leave but had to once he got out he went straight back to his bed.. he felt nice and warm but cold and it felt so cold he was tired as well, Darius came back with medicine and the temperature, he placed it in his mouth under his tongue and his temperature was 110 degrees?! "Hunter no school you need to stay in bed and rest." "But.." "No buts, you need your rest." Darius forced Hunter to stay in his bed and text him if he needs anything.


He.y Will.w!

Hi Sweetie where are you I can't find you..

I a.m sick. So n.o sc.hool.

Your sick? Awe.. I can come over if you want!

Darius.Has. to go to WOrk so if you could I wOu.ld l apPRe.ciate. th.at!

I am coming! :D 💚



Hunter was upset that he couldn't hang out with his friends but he was glad he could hang out with his girlfriend..he missed her.. he missed her beautiful eyes.. and her caring nature.. and her affection he knew he couldn't really get kisses because of his fever.. he was upset and puffed up his cheeks.. "I just want to see her.." "Hii!!" He heard Willow and got very excited she entered the room with a container of wolf hook soup "Darius wasn't here you know because of work so I told the school I am taking care of you while your sick!" She smiled and kissed his head he pointed at his forehead again.

"You want me to kiss you again?" "Yes.." she kissed his forehead, cheeks, and nose "Aweee my Hunter isn't feeling well poor babyy.." she kissed him again and hugged him he loved it when she would do this... it felt like she was the only person there it felt...nice. "I love you~" he felt nice and warm again "Hhehehe I love you too~" he nuzzled into her chest "Hmm... I love how warm you are.." she look down and saw him resting on her thigh slowly closing his eyes "Have a good sleep okay?" "Yu..p.." he yawned and soon he fell asleep she slowly moved and rested him on his pillow and Maple came and whimpered "Don't worry sweetie he will do fine.." she hugged Maple, Maple felt a little better but was still worried about her owner so she lied down right near his face and slept there Hunter moved his arms up and hugged Maple while sleeping "Awee.." she took out her scroll and took some pictures.

"Adorable..." she kissed their heads and closed his curtains and left the door open with a small crack incase Maple wanted to do something "Okay now let's heat this soup up, make dinner for myself and Mr. Deamonne... and... that's it.. I think? Unless Hunter is awake then ima give him cuddles.." she went to the kitchen and heated up the soup the smell was so good and she knew this would help him due to the wolf hook in it. She made Darius and her some tentacles samwhichs "Okay everything is done! Now time to.." she looked over and saw Hunter trying his hardest to walk and eat shes ran over and picked him up.

"Is okay! Rest all you need.." "Thank you.." his nose was red and all stuffed up and his voice was deeper then before which made him sound like a Ford commercial guy he sat down and drank the warm soup it was amazing it taste way better then anything he really has had "Yummmyy!" "You like it?" "Mhm!!" After he was done eating he was about to go clean his dish but Willow stopped him and carried him to his bed and kissed his head "Mind if you could hand me my drawing notebook?" "Of course not!" She walked over to his desk and grabbed his pencil, pen, eraser pencil and notebook and handed it to him, she kissed his forehead.

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