Getting Caught!

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Hunter was heading back to Darius house for a talk Darius wanted to have with him though, he was very worried that he maybe found out some stuff and a lot of thoughts went through his head "what if he saw my journal? Or worse my art book? My writing?....wait what about Willow did he find out about me and her?! Oh shit this is bad! Ugh what do I do?!" He walked and went up to Darius's door and knocked "Coming." Darius opened the door and saw Hunter with his pouch and baggy green sweater "Hii sorry I am a little late this lady would not stop asking for my contact it got very annoying." "Ohh don't worry is find come in." Hunter walked in and sat at the bar that he had for his kitchen "So... you wanted to talk with me..?" "Ah yes I did." Darius had made Hunter have a lot of worry he was worried that maybe he would tell Belos and he would or might get in trouble so Darius made coffee for the two of them and he handed Hunter a cup "So.. what is it you wanted to talk about..?" "Oh so I saw you with someone yesturday." Hunter spit out some of his coffee "Ouch that kind of hurt..." he drank most of it out of anxiety trying to calm himself "It was that girl you met at Hexside I think it was you two were very" he paused and saw Hunter looking a little stressed "Close. Are you maybe... dating her..?" "D-Dating?! Ha! No not at all. Maybe. Nope a hundred percent sure!" "Well you both looked pretty dressed up you sure?" "W-well I we-" Darius knew who the girl was and that her and Hunter were dating he just wanted to be sure so he said "I mean i did see you sneak out sure you don't want a certain someone to know?" "Uh.." Hunter knew he was caught so he told him the truth "Okay yes I am dating her." "Knew it. Pretty easy after seeing you two pretty close. How did you ask her out?" "Hahahaha" Hunter felt a little embarrassed and said "I uh didn't ask her out she asked me I was planning to but shes a lot more braver.." "Thought so she seems like a kind girl." "She is.." Hunter's ears got warmer and warmer as he started to think about Willow but snapped out of it "W-well is that all you wanted to talk about or no?" "Nope that's really it. Other than that.... can I meet her?" "W-well sure but that is something that she should be asked not me." "Mk than make sure to ask her later on so I can meet her maybe tomorrow if she can?" "I will see." They talked for a while and Hunter left "Glad he has found someone to help with his issues.." (Tomorrow timeskip~)

Hey. Willow so we kiND of got found out and.darius wanTed to ask if maybe if he can meet you?


Sorry I wasn't online but sure I am okay with that! I just don't want to be alone with him if that's alright with you?

Ofcourse that.s alrIgHT! I will tell him.

Thanks sweetie see you then ❤

Okay love yo.u! ❤

Hunter's ears were turning a little red because of the heart she sensed so he started smiling really big and shook his head to focus and got dressed into a outfit Willow had bought him it was a shirt that was a dark red that was pretty baggy but in the end of the sleeve of tight and black jeans with boots that had a flower design on them. Willow got dressed and wore a cute shirt that had a sunflower on it and then some nice pants with flowers on the side and cute loafers she grabbed her pouch and headed on her way. Hunter and Darius were on there way to the park to meet Willow (time skip to when they got there!) Once they got there Hunter saw Willow and hugged her tightly "Hii!" "Helloo!" Darius was on the side of Hunter and he said "Hello you must be Willow is nice to meet you." "Hello sir! Is nice to meet you as well! I have a gift for you both!" Darius was a little intrigued and so was Hunter she took out two big bouquets of different kinds of flowers "I grew these myself I hope you like them!" She handed one to Darius and Hunter "What a nice gift thank you." "Thanks Willow!" "Heheh no problem it wasn't that hard." "Oh..I ran out of coffee be right back I need more!" "Hunter how much coffee have you had today?" "Uh... I think about 7 or 8 full c-" Willow puffed up her cheek and said "No more coffee sir! That's way to much!" "But coffee how else am I going to stay awake?" "That sounds like a you issue no more coffee if you need something to drink it has to be water." "Hmm....fine." he took out a water bottle and drank some of it but what Willow or Darius didn't know it was just cold brew coffee. They continued the rest of their day together and ended it by going to a coffee shop "No coffee only tea." "Hm. Fine." He payed for all of the drinks and they went off talking for the café. After they were done they said there good byes and headed back home "Well seems you choosed a nice and sweet girl." "I know! Shes very kind...and sweet... but can be very mad if you don't follow her orders." "Sounds like she has two sides." "Yeah she does most the time." They had a wonderful day and Willow was happy she got to meet Darius though she thought Darius was his dad.

Byeee I hope you enjoyed it! 🌸💚💛🌸

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