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Students was enjoying their 3 day vacation at the resort doing a lot of different water activities and buying some local products.

"Wow..this is really fun!" Rosé said while admiring the the view. 

"Yeah and the view was wonderful! Come on let's take a picture girls!" Nayeon said excitedly.

The four girls tooks tons of the picture but then one of them realized that the three dorks was missing in action.

"Wait. Where is Lisa and others?" Jennie asked and looks at the other girls.

"Yeah i haven't seen them since earlier-"

"Look! Over there." Irene cuts off Rosé and points on a certain stall where the four dorks was hiding with binoculars probably peeping on those sexy foreigners who is having sun bathing.

"Girls?" Nayeon said in a cold tone and looks at other three girls who has the same expression.

Jennie cracks her neck while Rosie do her knuckles, Irene stretch her arms and Nayeon brought an ice bucket. The four girls smirks at each other and approach the four pervert idiot who seems so lost admiring the nice asses displayed by those foreigners.


"This is the best part of this vacation!" Jeongyeon says while admiring the nice ass of that american girl with her binoculars.

"Yeah just look at that baby! Ugh! They're making me needy." Seulgi added.

"Hmm! Hmm!" Lisa nodded while eating her ice-pop and watching the hot girl in front of them.

"I wonder how those asses feel on our hands.." Jisoo pouts and take a bite on her chicken.

"They're really hot right?" The fuming kitten asked from their back

While the four dorks just nodded.

"Yeah super hot.." Lisa replied and licks on her ice-pop with a smirk.

"Those butt cheeks was indeed feisty right?" The chipmunk who is wearing a scary smile asked this time.

"Indeed!" Jisoo answered while the other three just nodded in agreement again.

"Sure. Their probably your type." The petite woman with those jet-black hair spoke this time.

"Definitely!" Seulgi exclaimed and giggled while enjoying the view in her binoculars.

"Wanna fuck 'em?" The pissed bunny asked.

"Sure why not!" Jeongyeon answered quickly and laughs with her friends.

"Wait. Why are you even asking the obvious-"

Lisa's smiled dropped when she looks at her back and saw the four girls looking at them furiously. The blond immediately gulps and taps the other dorks shoulder.

"What?! What's wrong with you monke-"

Irritated Jisoo turned pale seeing where Lisa is pointing at, the two gulped nervously and trying to gain their other two friends attention who is busy with admiring the nice asses.

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