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After Seulgi giving me a ride here in my condo. She left and i was left here in the parking lot i was about to enter on the elevator when a loud shout echoed in the parking lot making me look back


I was caught up 'cos when i look back she was already holding my collar.

"L-Lisa?" I asked confusedly while looking at her eyes she's at rage and she was gripping on my collar tightly.

"We need to talk." She said coldly and i smelled the alcohol in her breath.

"You're drunk." I said in a serious tone.

"And so do you." She said and let's go of my collar.

"We have to talk." She said while looking at me with those serious yet worried eyes.

I don't know what's wrong but i give up and sighs.

"Okay..follow me then." I said and walked towards the elevator followed by Lisa.


After following Jisoo and Seulgi, I waited for Jisoo to be alone before confronting her. My mind is a messed i wanna know what the truth is, i'll get crazy if i let it curiousity to consume me. When Jisoo was about to entered the elevator, I immediately shout for her to stop.

"KIM JISOO!!" I shouted from the top of my lungs and run towards her direction and grabbed her collar when she looked back. She was stunned when she saw me glaring at, i'm so frustrated.

"L-Lisa?" She asked confusedly while looking at my eyes while i was staring at her with full rage and gripping on her collar tightly.

"We need to talk." I utter coldly while she frown and scrunch her nose.

"You're drunk." She said in a serious tone.

"And so do you." I said and scoffs in disbelief and then let's go of her collar.

"We have to talk." I said in a more calm tone while looking at her eyes with worries but i tried my best to still look serious.

Chaeng is right...

Those orbs it's not the same, i fuck up real bad.

Jisoo stared at me for a moment and sighs and turned around saying,

"Okay..follow me then."  She walked towards the elevator and i just followed her.

As we enter the elevator she pressed the botton probably to what floor her unit was located at. It was a long ride of silence none of us talked until we reach the her floor and get offs from the elevator. I just followed her while roaming my eyes around this silent alley, Jisoo stopped on a certain door and put her pin and there i saw it..

She's using our friendship anniversary as her code?

I immediately looked away when i noticed her glancing in my direction. She enters in her unit silently and opened the door wide open, signing me to get in which i did after taking a deep breath. For almost 3 years, this will be the first time that i will talk to her that it was only the two of us without fighting or what. It's kinda awkward to be honest but i have to shrugs it off and talked about the real deal here.

It's now or never.

"Come and have a seat." She said in monotone.

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