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After i leave the caferteria i immediately go in the school rooftop and skip my class as usual i never attended one thonugh and lastly to cool down myself...to clear my mind.

How can i even forgot that, that jerk was also studying here too.

I flop on the ground and leaned my back at the wall while thinking about the past. Seeing that jerk again was breaking my heart again and again into pieces, It's been 2 years yet the wounds was still fresh...i tried to move forward but past keep on hunting me, it keeps makes me miserable and feel useless and stupid, i pity myself for that.

The who got never chosed, by the person i love, by my family, by everyone...i'm always, like the least. I'm always an option especially if my competitor was Kim Jisoo...sad life indeed.


"Hey are sure you'll give up now?" Jeongyeon asked me while tapping my shoulder.

"Yes buddy...if i continue, it'll just break our friendship apart and lastly...as if i stand a chance on Chaeyoung..." I pause,

"Obviously, i don't..i'm not the one she wanted to be with, and i know she couldn't tell me that because she was afraid...she was afraid for the outcome, for what might happened on our friendship if ever she chooses someone between us, she's afraid because she treasured our friendship a lot.."

"She doesn't want to break it apart..but by doing that, means i'm taking away her happiness, by doing that means suffering for her and i don't like that idea of her struggling, so instead i'll give up and let her go with Jisoo and let them be happy because that was the least thing i could do to prove how much she mean to me, how much they mean to me..

"They we're like my second family and i can't bare to see any of those two suffering especially when i know the reason was me. I'd choose to be hurt alone than to see them having a hard time, i'm willing to." I said bitterly.

"I'm so proud of you Man.." Jeong said softly and tapped my shoulder

"I know...it was so hard for you to do this but look at you..You're the most selfless person i've ever met and i'm so amazed on how strong you are to do this kind of decisions...

"Don't worry dude 'coz no matter what happened i'll be always here for you to support you and to comfort you." She added then give me a bro hug.

"Thanks Jeong, thanks for staying here with me it's really a big help you being here and letting me to vent out this heavy feelings" I said sincerely.

"Oh come on dude it's nothing compared to what you've done for me so stop saying thank you, would you? It's cringing me out you know?" She said and rolled her eyes playfully making me giggled by her silliness.

"You dumbass" i muttered


I decided to find Chaeng and telled her about my decision i was now here at their Campus. The class had ended few minutes ago and i immediately go here since i know Chaeng would always stay for awhile in the school before leaving the campus to practiced or to play piano which i admired alot her angelic voice and and soothing music whenever she's playing piano while singing is really amazing and by thinking of it..it makes me fell for her even more but at the same time it's breaking my heart knowing after what i'm about to do she'll surely sing a lot more and those would be probably all dedicated to Jisoo.

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