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As i walked away from Jennie i couldn't help but to be grateful and feel good having a small talk with her and seeing how her face flushed when i'm around, it makes my day 10x happier than it is.

She's really giving me a different kinds of feeling inside my body and by just thinking of her, it boost my energy and it made me smile right away, i'm not sure of what am i feeling right now, not yet.

Because i'm still confused if it's a normal admiration or more than that but one thing i'm really sure of is I like her. I really do and i'm obviously showing it to her.

I never been this so happy after of what happened 2 years ago. Time where i lost everything, time when i lost my light, my happiness my family. After that i did my best to focused myself about studying and to distance myself from the people the only person i have and still staying with me up to now was Seulgi.

She never left me and stays with me in my dark times and i'm so thankful for having that dork with me, for staying with me, and for understanding me. I grew fond of her and i treated her as my family now.

After my mom died from the breast cancer when i was 6 years-old, my Dad did his best to forget and tried to moved on from that tragic. He works 24/7 and he rarely come home if he does he was still working on his officed. Everyone was affected by Mom's death especially me.

Our so called home turn into a simple bland house. I was always left with our maids and butlers, i was always alone way back then but then that time i met my bestfriend, my buddy, younger sister i never had, my second family none other than Lalisa Manoban.

Lisa stays with me and encourage me to do what i like. She and her family treated me like i was part of it, i was so happy about it and remembering those times where Lisa will always pout 'cos Aunty babied me and forget about her makes me laughs on how funny she is when she whines. Everything was happy and perfect we grew up closer and i always visit her house and most of the time sleeping over on their house and did many crazy things with her when we we're young. Lisa among the two of us was the one who has a short temper and she's always using her fist to solve the problem while i was the chill one. We we're too different from each other except for being dorks.

Everything was happy way back then, until we turned until i turned 16 and she was 15 and that was the time when Park Chaeyoung enter the picture. That girl is a definition of perfection and calling her beautiful is isn't enough to describe her. She was perfect and popular among everyone the heiress of the Park's everyone was head-over-heels for her including me.

I actually met her first at the supermarket when i buying some green peppers when we bump to each other and that time i was so mesmerized by her beauty but we weren't able to have a talked since she was in a hurry but we cleared things out and say sorry. After that i started to wonder about her and staryed to think of her, she never leaves my mind until one day Lisa barge in our house saying she met a hottie around in my neighborhood and befriended with her.

Well i'm no longer shocked since Lisa is really friendly and fun to be with, Lisa told me that she and that new friend of her decided to have fun in the mall later coz the dork accidentally spill that girl's food on the ground while taking a jog so as a compensation she asked the girl to go with her on the mall and it's all her treat and telled that she will bring me too to not make things awkward so yeah thirdwheel i just agree since i was bribed with 3 buckets of chicken and who i am to ignore the blessing right? So of course i agree to it!

And that's when i saw her again Park Chaeyoung and then three of us become a great friends for the following year but it didn't last long because everything become complicated because of my stupid feelings for Chaeng..i didn't know that Lisa was in love with her but as i grew up to always fought for what i want. I decided to fight for my feelings for chaeng and do what will makes me happy but..it all got wasted. i wasted everything i worked hard for, i just ruined our friendship but i didn't regret everything that i do though in the end it made me feel the same feeling, the same loneliness i had years ago

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