Twenty -Eight

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Kuhnari Wings Pov Location || Demonte's House 7 months into 9

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Kuhnari Wings Pov
Location || Demonte's House
7 months into 9

"My lil nigga room came out nice " he said and I text on my phone ignoring him . I ain't feel like talking to him right now .

That girl texted his phone and i been real quiet about it . "What's wrong with you " he asked coming up to me kissing on my neck .

He slid his hands in my pants and he started to rub on my clit and I moaned . But this time sex ain't feel as good as it normally did with him .

Just knowing he be fucking other people really bothers me . It disgust me

I was over him and this , and I didn't think I could be in a relationship with him anymore. This relationship was making me depressed and he knows this since he came to my house and him and Bg had that long ass talk  last week .

"Demonte can you stop "i asked him and he just stopped and looked at me .

"I'm not happy with us anymore , I can't get past all the cheating and shit . I love you imma always love you , but I can't do this . I'm depressed because all I feel is insecure because of you cheating . I don't trust you and I don't think I could anymore "

And he licked his lips "so what you trynna say to me " he asked

"I wanna break up Dee , this is not good environment for me while I'm pregnant. This relationship is draining me mentally and physically. I barley eat and all I do is cry "

"Okay Nari " he said and the room went silent .

I ain't know how I was gone do this now . A single parent .

At one point i couldn't even see myself doing that but I'm to that point where this relationship isn't going anywhere and we need to break up .

"I love you " he said to me .

"I love you to " I said getting up and leaving .

I got in my car pulling off to chipotle to get me one of them fat ass burritos .

I went in and ordered now I was waiting on my food .

"Yoo " I heard and I turned seeing it was that Pre dude from the country club .

"I ain't gone lie shorty I ain't know you was pregnant ma , but you cute " he said and I laughed .

"Thank you pre , but my food is ready " I said getting my bag and checking it .

"Let me get yo number , imma good lil step dad " he said and I laughed.

"Pre shut up dude , and no I'm in a relationship " I said .

"Then why yo nigga not getting you food . You pregnant you should be in bed not out getting food " he said and I blushed .

Get it together girl you just broke up with Dee .

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