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"Did she come yet?" Jaemin nervously asked Jeno and he looked around park but didn't see her "not yet, if you ask me that one more time I will actually punch you" Jeno sighed as the staff fixed Jaemin's hair.

"I'm nervous okay?" Jaemin patted his suit down and checked it for the tenth time in one hour. "Jimin just called, she said they are at the entrance, get ready!" Jeno said and everyone hid while Jaemin just stood there as a nervous wreck.

"Unnie, you said we are going to a restaurant, what is happening?" Sujin asked with a confused look as she looked around the place.

"You will love this, trust me" Jimin dragged the girl to the spot where Jaemin stood and left her quietly to hide.

"Babe? What's this?" Sujin asked as she stepped towards him. Jaemin took his hands out for Sujin and she held them still very confused, not noticing the few cameras that started filming them.

"Sujin, we have been together for six years now, we fought, we made up, we stood by each others' side and never betrayed each other. We kept no secrets and made sure to be honest and truthful, which is why we are still going on with our love increasing day by day. I love you for many reasons, and if I wanted to state them now I will need a few days, but some of them is you honesty, kindness, sympathy, loyalty, trust and most importantly beauty. I will risk my life just for you and I hope you understand that I love you like no other and I am now very sure that you are the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with" Jaemin got on one knee after his speech and pulled a ring box out and opened it for Sujin, who was still confused and not processing what is happening "Shin Sujin, will you be the woman I spend the rest of my life with? The only one who makes me feel this way, will you marry me?"

Tears started falling out of Sujin's eyes and her heart started to thump loudly, not believing what is happening. She started shaking and covered her open mouth for a moment before nodding a yes, a smile making it's way to her face.

"She said yes!" Ryujin yelled and confetti and flower petals started falling on the two as the huge amount of people started to clap and cheer for the two.

Jaemin pulled Sujin into a very passionate kiss before haging her while she cried to his chest "I thought you'd never ask" she said through the tears "I've been thinking about this for two years now, but I waited till you are 26 since this is when you wanted to get married" he admitted and she smiled at how thoughtful he was towards her wishes.

"I'm happy I get to spend my life with you, as my husband" Sujin smiled at the thought and she gave him another peck and Jaemin felt flustered at the nickname but didn't mind it, in fact he loved it.

"And I'll spend my life with you as my wife now"

"Do I look good?" Sujin asked and she looked at Aeri with a freaked out look as she checked herself in the mirror for the 100th time. "Yes, our beautiful bride looks amazing!" Aeri said and hugged Sujin one last time.

"Are you ready, dear?" Sujin's father said and gave Sujin a proud kiss on the head with a wide smile "I can't belive you are getting married, you are still 9 years old to me" he said as he tucked a hair behind her ear.

"Uncle~ don't mive her hair" Jimin pouted and took out Sujin's bang from behind her ear and her Sujin and her father both laughed.

A year after the proposal, Sujin is now 27 and Jaemin is 28, both of them ready to marry and are very happy to as well.

"I can't believe Sujin is the first one to get married, I mean I'm the more attractive twin obvi" Ryujin rolled her eyes and Sujin giggled before saying "I'm sure Renjun will make a move soon" she smiled and Ryujin blushed at the thought.

"When will I have grand children? I'm 47 and still very young!" Sujin's mother exclaimed and Sujin felt happy at the thought of her own child to take care of.

"Jaemin is enough, he is very childish and I will go crazy if I had to take care of two" Sujin said as the make up artist added last touches to her makeup.

"It's time!" Sujin and Ryujin's older brother, Taejin, said excitedly when he stepped into the room.

"Shall we?" Sujin's father said and wrapped his arm around Sujin's and they both walked out together as everyone else hurried before them to make it to their seats.

"I'm nervous" Jaemin whispered to Jisung who was taking pictures next to him "same" he mindlessly said and Jaemin gave him a confused look.

"Why? It's my wedding" Jaemin asked and Jisung sighed and stopped taking pictures and looked at his hyung "I will propose Yuna to tomorrowsince it's her birthday and that's why I'm nervous" Jisung said and Jaemin smiled and patted his back in a cheering manner.

"The bride is coming, get ready" Mark said and Jisung gave Haemin a thumbs up before heading to his seat.

"Please stand for the bride" the Wonsan said through the microphone and everyone stood up for her before the room fell completely silent, only the piano played by Chenle could be heard.

The doors were opened, revealing the beautiful bride who was smiling softly and her father.

Jaemin could've sworn he fell in live again, the girl in front of him resembling the girl of his dreams, walking towards him with a flower bouquet and a warm smile that can melt his heart.

Her father then let go of her hand and took the bouquet from her before she walked towards Jaemin and held both of his hands.

"Today we all come together to celebrate the wedding of a charming groom and a beautiful bride, please declare your vows"

"Sujin, you are the love of my life and the only woman who ever made me feel this way, I am never not going to be thankful for the day I met you and I promise to treat you as my queen till I die"

"Jaemin, you are my first and last love, I never thought I will ever love someone this badly yet you proved me wrong, words cannot describe how much you mean to me after you helped me with every little inconvenience in my life, thank you my love"

"Na Jaemin, do you take Shin Sujin as your wife, love her and honor her, stand by her through bad and good, happy and sad, illness and health, and richness and poorness?"

"I do"

"Shin Sujin, do you take Na Jaemin as your husband, love him and honor him, stand by him through bad and good, happy and sad, illness and health, and richness and poorness?"

"I do"

"Before me stands a bride and groom who have joined their souls together in holy wedlock. In doing so, they have chosen to provide companionship, love and support to each other during both the happy and difficult moments of life and marriage. They have declared their perpetual love to each other before the witnesses assembled here and before almighty God. They have also demonstrated their solemn love for each other by exchanging wedding rings and joining hands as they prepare to walk through life together. In the name of the Holy Spirit, I now solemnly declare you husband and wife. Let no one put asunder those that have been joined together today in the presence of almighty God"

"You may now kiss the bride"

As soon as the priest said the last sentence, Jaemin pulled Sujin into a very passionate and loving kiss as conffi and flower petals fell on them and all the people present clapped and cheered for them.

"Unnie!" Sujin heard a small voice say and she looked behind her to see three little children run towards her with happy smiles.

"Congratulations noona!" Sunwoo said with a smile as he handed her a rose and Sujin smiled as she hugged the triplets and gave them kisses on the head.

"Thank you Sunwoo, and you two as well" she smiled and the three kids felt happy and proud that they made Sujin smiled and the ran to their mother to tell her.

"You will be an amazing mother" Jaemin said with a smile and Sujin blushed a little and lightly elbowed him.

"I love you Sujinnie" Jaemin said and held her by the waist.

"I love you too, Jaeminnie" she pulled him into a kiss that the photographer made sure not to miss.

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