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"Bye Jaemin!" Sujin kissed Jaemin one last time before leaving the company building and walking towards her car, where she was suddenly surrounded by four men.

"What the- who are you?" She asked and looked around in confusion as to why these men were surrounding her like that.

But without her noticing, a man came from behind her and drugged her, knocking her out immediately and dragging her into a black van that took off right after.

A few hours later, she woke up in an unfamiliar and dirty room where she was chained to the wall with. She tried to break the chains by pulling it since it looked pretty old but the drung must've still been in her system since moving is hard still and she feels very dizzy and drunk like.

"Thought you'd never wake up" Hyerin said as she stepped into the room with a smirk on her face, walking towards Sujin with a knife in her hand as two men holding bats were behind her.

"What the fuck Hyerin? I didn't think you would actually kidnap me to kill me since all the other tries didn't work" Sujin said with a chuckle and Hyerin's smirk turned to a frown immediately.

"I was going easy on you, but no more, I will make you regret everything" Hyerin scoffed and walked towards Sujin with slow steps, each step increases Sujin's heart rate.

"I wonder if Jaemin will still like you with an ugly face" Hyerin whispered as she placed the knife on Sujin's face and gave her a cut on her forehead before laughing like a maniac and leaving Sujin in the room alone with the two guys.

"Goodnight kitty" once of them said and drugged Sujin again.

Sujin woke up again, this time chained to the ceiling with her arms and her legs were chained to the floor so she couldn't really move at all, her mouth was duct taped and her jacket and shirt were taken off, leaving her in a tank top and bra, but fortunately, her jeans were left on.

She looked around and saw a phone recording right in front of her and she turned her head around and saw many tools that looked perfect to kill with and a man that was facing these tools and doing something she can't see.

When the man noticed she was awake, he smirked and walked to her and held her by the waist before whispering in her ear "this is live on TV, national and international, so behave" he giggled like a lunatic before taking a handful of her hair and pulling it to give him a clear display of her neck.

He then kissed her neck and started leaving marks on it which made Sujin shuffle more to try and get out of his grip but to no avail.

The man was so immersed into touching Sujin and sexually assaulting her that he didn't notice the chains on her legs broke off.

"It's time to die princess" he smirked and walked towards the tools table and held a chainsaw then turned it on, but when he noticed that her legs were free, he placed it down, still on, and walked to her.

"Stay still if you want a painless death you whore" he spat and furiously held her shoulders. Sujin wanted to move him away so she pushed him with her leg and he toppled back and into the working chainsaw.

Blood splashed everywhere and the man was ripped into pieces, the sight shocking the world and Sujin even more.

A scream, a gasp, then a chorus of curses. Sujin didn't have time to care or get scared, she had to run away.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" she cursed with every pull until chains around her arms full broke off and she fell in the ground with a loud thud but wuickly got up again.

She ran towards the phone and snatched it, not bothering to turn off the live or anything and sneaked outside to try and get out.

"There she is, get her!" Hyerin yelled and Sujin cursed that she was caught and fought off all the men that came running towards her until it was only her and Hyerin left.

"Why are you doing this Hyerin?" Sujin asked through her pants and Hyerin scoffed again and glared at Sujin.

"Because you stole everything I wanted, my spot in the debut team, the man that I love and all my friends talk about you, no matter how many times I try to bring you down you always survive. I tried to kill you, I tried to spy on you, I tried to kill others and put the blame it on you, I tried make a scandal to ruin your career, nothing worked!" Hyerin yelled in anger that all her plans didn't go as she wanted.

"I've never wronged you, and you do this to me? Why me?" Sujin yelled back and Hyerin stayed silent, she too didn't know why "B-because... because you are annoying! You always get what you want!" She said and Sujin cocked an eyebrow at the shitty excuse.

"Seriously? You hate me because I always get what I want? Because I'm annoying? Do you know how you ruined my life?!"

"And that's exactly what I want!" Hyerin pulled out a gun and pointed it at Sujin, who was now freaking out because if Hyerin pulled the trigger she is a goner.

"Shoot me if you can Hyerin" she said in a low voice when she noticed how Hyerin was shaking.

"You are a coward, a jealous one too, you killed a couple because you liked the guy, and you tried to kill me because I debuted first" Sujin continued as she took more steps towards Hyerin, who was now stepping back.

Sujin then kicked the gun out of Hyerin's grip before launching another kick to her head, which knocked Hyerin out immediately.

"Fuck!" She cursed when she noticed a few more guys started to get up and more coming from the other rooms.

Sujin quickly ran out of the building and when she was out, she was met with a forest and only that.

"Where the fuck am I?" She decided that the best thing to do is to run into the forest, at least she can hide there. After about two kilometers of running, she was finally able to reach a highway and she collapsed at how tired she was but fought off the urge to pass out.

She then pulled out the phone that was still live and remembered that she can now call the police.

"119 what's your emergency?" The call operator said.

"I-I don't know where I am, I was taken but I don't know where I am" Sujin cried on the phone.

"Shin Sujin? The police are on their way! They were able to locate you due to the live so you shouldn't worry, is anyone following you?" Sujin looked around and she felt relief and replied with a "no" to the operator.

"Alright, please stay on the phone with me" the operator said but Sujin knew she couldn't.

"I can't, I feel like I will pass out" and once she said that, she closed her eyes and dropped down again, this time fully laying down.

"Shin Sujin! Shin Sujin!" Sujin heard the operator yell through the phone but she couldn't reply. Before her eyes fully closed, she saw and heard the police sirens which made her feel safer.

Then everything went black...

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