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"Forever was a success, and now that you can perform Sujin, we are going to start preparations for your next comeback now" Wonsan announced and everyone in the meeting room clapped for the girls success and congratulated them on it.

"It's been a long time since I did all that, I might need some time to readjust" Sujin said worriedly but the reassuring looks she got were enough for her to feel better. "Don't worry Jinjin, you can do it!" Said Minjeong cheeringly and Sujin smiled at her.

"Yeah, plus we still have three months more so you will be fine"

They kept talking about the new comback for a few hours before the girls left to their practice room. They took their stuff before heading to their car to go to their photoshoot.

"Oh hey Sujin, where are you going?" Sujin heard someone say from behind her. Her heart started beating fastly at the voice but tried not to show it as she turned around to face its owner.

"Jaemin! We're going to a photoshoot" she smiled at him warmly, and Jaemin had to fight any urge to kiss her right there. "Good luck, I'll see you around then" he waved and entered the elevator.

During the photoshoot, Sujin couldn't help but think about Jaemin in every step she made, she didn't know why but the boy never left her head. "Sujin-ah! Are you okay?" Wonsan asked which made Sujin snap out of it again. She was still thinking about his.

"Huh?- oh yeah, just a lot on my mind" she wasn't really lying though was she? Jaemin was quite a lot- no, stop.

"This is crazy" she mumbled to herself and got up, heading to the changing rooms. As she was changing her clothes, she heard a sound from outside her changing room, like shuffling and dropping of stuff.

She finished and opened the room and when she looked up, she saw a man wearing all black going through her stuff and putting something inside. When he noticed her, he ran out the room and she followed right after.

She was more fit and agile, giving her the upper hand and allowing her to catching him. "Who are you? What do you want from me? Why do you keep hurting me everytime?" She yelled. Wonsan, Aeri and Yizhou came running when they heard her yell and they saw the man pushing her away.

"Unnie!" Yizhou screeched in fear at the unknown man. Sujin was now on the floor and the man got up to catch his breath before turning to her, who was now all up again. The two started fighting, punches and kicks thrown here and there and blood starting to splurt everywhere.

Wonsan tried to intervene many times but Sujin yelled at him to stand back and was held by the two girls hugging him, Yozhou crying and Aeri calling for Sujin to stop. Sujin was pushed towards the make up table, making everything in it fall. She slowley raised her head and gave the man a look so cold yet full of emotions. Anger, madness and sadness all filled her eyes.

Nobody ever saw that side of her before, and nobody wants to see it again. She stayed still for a second before suddenly attacking the man and pushing him to the floor. The scene was something you see in movies, or in National Geographic, where a lion waits for the right moment to attack his pray.

Sujin was choking the guy now, not holding back from murdering him. Wonsan was finally able to get a hold of the outraged girl and pulled her towards him. Letting the man run away.

"Why?! Let me go!" She yelled.

"You will kill him, you'll go to jail" Wonsan tried to reason with her, but to no avail.

"That's what I wanted! I want that fucker to rot!" She pushed Wonsan and tried to run after the man but Yizhou and Aeri were able to hold her back. After sometime, she was finally calmed down and the staff treated all her wounds. Thankfully, nothing too dangerous was on her body and no scars what so ever on her face.

"Do you wanna go home? Or to the police station first? Well if we go to the police station we will have to deal with the fact that you almost killed him now so maybe going home for now is bett-"

"Let's continue the photoshoot" she simply said and got up to leave. "What? You are hurt!" Wonsan protested but only received a cold glare.

"I know, but nothing is on my face and my outfit covers it all, just fix my hair and make up" she left the room and everyone was silent, shocked.

For the next few days, Sujin was less talkative and her bubbly self was no where to be found. She was now cold and aggressive, and easily gets angry.


- Hey Sujin
- Are you okay?
- You haven't been yourself these past few days.

- Oh hey
- I'm fine

- Well I know you too well, you obviously aren't.

- Can we meet up?

- Go to the parking lot

Sujin put on a jacket and tied her hair back, without forgeting to put on a mask before leaving the house and heading to the dead silent parking.

When she got there, a car beeped at her and when she looked, she saw a familiar black car that had its engine on. She ran towards the car and went in, immediately taking off her mask and breaking down completely.

"Woah there, let's go slowly okay? Don't pressure yourself" Sujin nodded and took deep breaths. She started telling him everything, having mini break down inturptions that caused hugs and hair kisses to calm her down.

"I don't know what is happening with me, is this normal? Do people send killers to idols everyday? I mean my members don't have anything like this and nor does any other idol I know, why me? What wrong have I done?" She cried in Jaemin's embrace as he kept giving her kisses on her hair.

His heart was breaking, her crying was loud and full of frustration and sadness. She was unsafe and scared, she is too young to deal with almost being murdered just for doing something she loves.

"Hey love, listen, I have something important to say" Jaemin's tone became serious and he broke the hug and looked her straight in the eye.

He told her about everything, the letter, text and vedio. He couldn't hold it in any longer. "Why didn't you say anything sooner?" She sounded broken. "You were still healing, I didn't want to stress you out more, but now it's getting too dangerous now that Hyerin is back at it again"

She nodded, understanding his view and trusting his words that sounded very genuine.

"We'll get though this together"

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